- Getting started
- Best practices
- Tenant
- About the Tenant Context
- Managing Users
- User Types
- Field Descriptions
- Audit
- Actions
- Folders Context
- Automations
- Processes
- Jobs
- Triggers
- Logs
- Monitoring
- Queues
- Assets
- Storage Buckets
- Test Suite - Orchestrator
- Action Catalogs
- Profile
- System Administrator
- Identity Server
- Authentication
- Other Configurations
- Integrations
- Classic Robots
- Troubleshooting

Orchestrator User Guide
Field Descriptions
Field |
Description |
Columns |
Enables you to toggle column visibility. By default, all columns are displayed. Clear or select the checkboxes corresponding to the columns you want to stay hidden or visible, respectively. Click Reset in the Visible Columns drop-down to return to the default configuration with all columns enabled and visible. |
Search |
Looks for users that match your input. You can search according to username, name, surname and email. |
Type Filter |
Enables you to filter the page according to the user type. The following options are available: All, Local User, Robot, Directory User, Directory Group. |
Status Filter |
Enables you to filter the page according to the user status. The following options are available: All, Active, and Inactive. |
Web Access Filter |
Enables you to filter the page according to the Web Access setting. The following options are available: All, Enabled, Disabled. |
Robot Access Filter |
Enables you to filter the page according to the robot access (as set through the Automatically create a Robot for this user toggle on the Robot Settings tab when configuring the user). The following options are available: All, Disabled, Enabled, Set by Group. |
Reset to defaults |
This button is displayed only if you made changes to any of the filters described above, and enables you to return to the default settings. Please note that this button also resets the number of items displayed per page. |
Add |
When clicked it expands into three options:
Username |
Name |
The name of the user. This field is empty if you did not fill in the Name field in the Provision User window. |
Surname |
The surname of the user. This field is empty if you did not fill in the Surname field in the Add Local User window. |
The email address of the user. Can be used to log in to Orchestrator. This field is empty if you did not fill in the Email Address field in the Provision User window. If email alerts are enabled, and the user has a role with View permissions on Alerts, the alerts are sent to this address. |
Last Login |
The amount of time passed since the user last logged in to Orchestrator. |
Roles |
The role(s) assigned to the user. This field is empty if you did not fill in the Roles field in the Provision User window. |
Status |
The status of the user. Can be Active or Inactive. |
Web Access |
Indicates whether the user has been granted web access to Orchestrator. |
Robot Access |
The user's robot access settings. May be Enabled,Disabled, or Set by Group. |
More Actions |
Enables a drop-down with the following options:
Field |
Description |
Username |
Mandatory. Your username. This is used when logging in to Orchestrator. Note: If you fill in your AD username and no password, your user is provisioned as a directory user. If you fill in your AD username
and a custom password, your user is provisioned as a local user.
Name |
Optional. Your name. This option is useful when Orchestrator is used by a large group of people. |
Surname |
Your surname. This option is useful when Orchestrator is used by a large group of people. |
Email address |
Your email address. Can be used to log in to Orchestrator. This field needs to be populated with a valid email address if the user wants to receive email alerts. For more information, see Setting Up Email Alerts. |
Password |
The password that you want to use when logging in to Orchestrator. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters and contain at least one letter and a digit. |
Confirm Password |
The password retyped, to ensure no mistakes. |
Roles |
The role(s) assigned to the user. You can add multiple roles. |
Allow Web Login Toggle |
If enabled, the user is able to access the Orchestrator web UI. Only displayed for tenants that have the Modern Folders option enabled. |
Allow Basic Authentication Toggle |
If enabled, local users are able to authenticate to Orchestrator using basic authentication. Note: This toggle is only available if the
Auth.RestrictBasicAuthentication setting in your web.config file is set to false .
Create |
Saves your user settings and closes the Add Local User window. |
Cancel |
Closes the Add Local User window without saving your settings. |
Field |
Description |
Automatically create an attended robot for this user |
Configure whether a robot is automatically created for the user or not. Selecting this option makes the robot settings configurable. Clearing it disables them. More details about automatically created Robots here. |
Domain \ Username |
A maximum of 256 characters allowed. Identify the robot associated with that specific user.
License Type |
Configure the license type of the Robot. The following options are available: Attended, Studio, StudioX, StudioPro. More details here. |
Stand-alone license |
Select this option to indicate that a Studio/StudioX/StudioPro Robot is licensed locally and not through Orchestrator. Note: For robots in modern folders, using a stand-alone license disconnects your Robot from Orchestrator. In the UiPath Robot tray,
the robot is displayed as Unlicensed. As soon as a local license is available, the robot becomes licensed and is displayed
as Available in Orchestrator.
Field |
Description |
Automatically create an unattended robot for this user |
Configure whether an unattended robot is automatically created for the user or not. Selecting this option makes the Robot settings configurable. Clearing it disables them. More details about automatically created robots here. |
Domain\Username |
A maximum of 256 characters allowed. Identify the robot associated with that specific user.
Credential Store |
Select the credential store to hold the credentials. |
Password |
Fill in the password used to log on to the machine on which UiPath Robot is installed. Select the The password represents a SmartCard Pin option if the password is a SmartCard PIN. |
Control UiPath Robot execution settings from Orchestrator. Execution settings are not configurable for directory groups. Directory groups come with the default settings.
Field |
Description |
Domain Name |
The AD domain to which the group or user belongs to. All domains and subdomains from forests that are 2-way trusted with the
domain specified in the
WindowsAuth.Domain parameter are available when adding directory users/groups.
Group or Username |
A maximum of 256 characters allowed. The name of the AD Group or User that you want to add. |
Filter By |
A drop-down which enables you to refine the search results according to the user type. The following options are available:
Roles |
Assigns one or multiple roles to AD group or user selected. |
Allow Web Login Toggle |
If enabled, the directory user or group is able to access the Orchestrator web UI. Only displayed for tenants that have the Modern Folders option enabled. |
Add |
Adds the user entity. |
Cancel |
Closes the window without adding users or saving your settings. |
Field |
Description |
Automatically create an attended robot for this user |
Configure whether a robot is automatically created for the user or not. Selecting this option makes the robot settings configurable. Clearing it disables them. More details about automatically created Robots here. |
Domain \ Username |
Read-only. Identify the robot associated with that specific user. Prefilled with the domain\username of the directory user to be imported. |
License Type |
Configure the license type of the Robot. The following options are available: Attended, Studio, StudioX, StudioPro. More details here. |
Stand-alone license |
Select this option to indicate that a Studio/StudioX/StudioPro Robot is licensed locally and not through Orchestrator. Note: For robots in modern folders, using a stand-alone license disconnects your Robot from Orchestrator. In the UiPath Robot tray,
the robot is displayed as Unlicensed. As soon as a local license is available, the robot becomes licensed and is displayed
as Available in Orchestrator.
Not available for AD groups.
Field |
Description |
Automatically create an unattended robot for this user |
Configure whether an unattended robot is automatically created for the user or not. Selecting this option makes the Robot settings configurable. Clearing it disables them. More details about automatically created robots here. |
Domain\Username |
Read-only. Identifies the robot associated with that specific user. Prefilled with the credentials of the directory user to be imported. |
Credential Store |
Select the credential store to hold the credentials. |
Password |
Fill in the password used to log on to the machine on which UiPath Robot is installed. Select the The password represents a SmartCard Pin option if the password is a SmartCard PIN. |
Control UiPath Robot execution settings from Orchestrator. Execution settings are not configurable for directory groups. Directory groups come with the default settings.