Automation Ops
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Automation Ops User Guide
Last updated Apr 26, 2024


Information regarding the actions performed in Automation Ops is recorded the audit logs.

Each log entry contains the following information:

  • the entry category, either Artifacts (for feeds management) or Governance.
  • the user that performed the action (name and email).
  • the date and time when the action was performed.
  • the action that was performed and a message with details about the action.

See the following table for a list of logged actions and the information that is logged for each one.




Logged Information


Create Policy

A user successfully creates a new policy.

Policy name, product name, policy data, priority, availability.


Edit Policy

A user successfully edits an existing policy.

For both the original policy and the edited policy: name, product name, policy data, priority, availability.


Upload Policy

A user successfully uploads a policy.

Policy name, product name, policy data, priority, availability.


Delete Policy

A user successfully deletes a policy.

Policy name, product name, policy data, priority, availability.


Deploy To Tenant

A user successfully deploys one or more policies at tenant level.

Each per-product edit is tracked in a separate log, regardless of whether or not it is the result of a bulk action.

Policy name or No policy / Inherit, license name, product name, tenant name.


Deploy To Group

A user successfully deploys one or more policies at group level. It includes all actions that can affect the deployment settings:

  • editing a group’s deployment settings
  • removing a group deployment (results in Inherit)

Each per-product edit is tracked in a separate log, regardless of whether or not it is the result of a bulk action.

Policy name or No policy / Inherit, license name, product name, group name.


Deploy To User

A user successfully deploys one or more policies at user level. It includes all actions that can affect the deployment settings:

  • editing a user’s deployment settings
  • removing a user deployment (results in Inherit)

Each per-product edit is tracked in a separate log, regardless of whether or not it is the result of a bulk action.

Policy name or No policy / Inherit, license name, product name, user name.


Edit Version

A user performs a successful upgrade / downgrade of a policy template

Each per-product edit is tracked in a separate log, regardless of whether or not it is the result of a bulk action.

Product name, old template version, new template version (major.minor.patch).

Source Control

Set up connection

A user succesfully creates a new connection to an external provider.

Organization name (GitHub) / Account Id (Azure)
Source ControlRemove connectionA user succesfully removes a new connection to an external provider. Organization name (GitHub) / Account Id + Account name (Azure)
Source ControlConnection synchronization

The connection to an external provider is updated.

Organization name (GitHub) / Account Id + Account name (Azure)


Add Custom Feed

A user adds a custom feed.

Feed name, type, URL, security method, description.


Deploy Feed To Tenant

A user deploys a feed to a tenant.

Feed name and URL, tenant name.


Remove Feed From Tenant

A user removes a feed from a tenant.

Feed name and URL, tenant name.


Remove Custom Feed

A user deletes a feed.

Feed name, type, URL, security method, description.


Edit Feed

A user edits the details of a feed.

For both the original feed and the edited feed: name, type, URL, security method, description, tags.


Upload Package

A user uploads a package to a feed.

Package name and version, feed name and URL.


Remove Package

A user removes a package from a feed.

Package name and version, feed name and URL.


Copy Package

A user copies a package from one feed to another.

Package name and version, name and URL of source and destination feeds.

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