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Automation Ops user guide

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Custom Feeds

You can set up your own feeds, and then add them in Automation Ops as custom package or library feeds to manage the packages and versions they contain, and deploy them to Orchestrator tenants.

View and Manage Custom Feeds

  1. In Automation Cloud™ , navigate to Automation Ops from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Feeds > Custom.

A table listing the name, URL, and type of existing custom feeds is displayed on the page. You can refresh the data by clicking Refresh above the table. A refresh is triggered automatically every 15 minutes and you are prompted to reload the data.

You can manage your custom feeds as follows:

Add a New Feed

  1. In Automation Cloud™ , navigate to Automation Ops from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Feeds > Custom > Add Feed.
    Important: Feeds using NuGet API v2 and v3 endpoints are only supported when configured to work with API Key, not basic authentication (user and password).
  3. Configure the following details, and then click Add.
    • Name - Enter the feed name.
    • Type - Select the feed type, either Packages or Libraries.
    • URL - Enter the feed URL. NuGet API v2 and v3 endpoints are supported. For example:
      • MyGet v2 feed URL -<feed-name>/api/v2
      • MyGet v3 feed URL -<feed-name>/api/v3/index.json
    • API Key- Optionally, enter the API Key used to secure the feed.
    • Description - Optionally, enter a feed description.

  4. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Continue to confirm.

    If the feed you are adding was previously added as an external feed in Orchestrator, the existing entry in Automation Ops is moved from the Orchestrator tab to the Custom tab and its details are replaced with the ones configured in step 3.

Manage a Feed

  1. In Automation Cloud™ , navigate to Automation Ops from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Feeds > Custom.
  3. In the list of feeds, select a feed, or hover over the right side of a feed, and then click Editdocs image. The feed page is displayed with the following tabs:

Manage Feed Packages

  1. In Automation Cloud™ , navigate to Automation Ops from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Feeds > Custom.
  3. In the list of feeds, select a feed.

On the Packages tab, a list of packages added to the feed is displayed on the page. The following information is displayed for each one: name, description, latest version, and up to three package tags.

To filter the list of packages, use the boxes above the table to search by name or filter by one or more package tags. You can refresh the data by clicking Refresh above the table.

For information on how you can manage the packages, see:

Add a New Package

  1. Select the Packages tab, and then click Add Package above the table.
  2. In the Add Package dialog, click Browse docs image, then select a NUPKG file up to 500MB in size and click Add. The package is added to the feed.
    • If other versions of the package already exist in the feed, the package is added as a new version.
    • If the same package version already exists in the feed, the new package version replaces the existing one.

Add a New Version to an Existing Package

  1. Select the Packages tab, and then select a package.
  2. Click Add Package above the list of versions.
  3. In the Add Package dialog, click Browse docs image, then select a NUPKG file up to 500MB in size and click Add.

    The new version is added to the package. If the same package version already exists in the feed, the new package version replaces the existing one.

Copy a Package Version to Another Feed

You can copy any package version from a feed to another Orchestrator feed or custom feed.

  1. Select the Packages tab, and then select a package.
  2. In the list of versions, hover over the right side of the version you want to copy, and then select docs image > Duplicate.
  3. In the Duplicate Package Version dialog, select the feed where to copy the package version, and then click Duplicate.

    The package version is copied to the selected feed.

Delete a Package Version

You can remove package versions that are no longer needed. Before you remove a version, make sure no processes are using the version.

  1. Select the Packages tab, and then select a package.
  2. In the list of versions, hover over the right side of the version you want to remove, and then select docs image > Delete.
  3. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click Delete to confirm.

    The package version is deleted from the feed.

View Package Version Details

On the Packages tab, select a package, and then select a package version to view the following details: version, description, tags, author, date published, and dependencies (if applicable).

Manage Feed Deployments

On the Deployment tab, a list of feed deployments is displayed on the page.

Deploy a Feed to a Tenant

You can deploy a custom feed to one or more tenants. Each tenant can only have one feed for packages and one for libraries.

  1. Select the Deployment tab, and then click Add Target above the table.
  2. In the Assign Feed dialog, select a target tenant, and then click Add.
  3. If the tenant already has a feed assigned, you are prompted to confirm that you want this feed to replace it.

When deploying a custom feed to a tenant:

  • The type of the custom feed must match the type of the tenant feed (packages to packages, libraries to libraries).
  • Any packages from the previously assigned package feed that are in use in the tenant become unavailable after you deploy the custom feed if they are not also included in the custom feed.
  • The Orchestrator deployment settings for the tenant are updated as follows:

    • For a package feed:

      • The External deployment setting is selected.
      • The API Key security setting is selected and the optional key is added.
    • For a library feed:

      • The External deployment setting is selected.
      • The API Key security settings is selected and the optional key is added.
      • The Both host and tenant feeds setting is selected.

Remove a Feed Deployment

  1. Select the Deployment tab.
  2. In the list of tenants, hover over the right side of the feed deployment you want to remove, and then click Delete.
  3. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click Remove to confirm.

The feed used by the tenant after the custom feed is removed is determined as follows:

  • For a library feed, the host feed is selected for the tenant.
  • For a package feed, the Internal deployment option is selected for the tenant.

Edit the Details of a Feed

  1. Select the Details tab, and then provide the following details:
    • Name - Enter the feed name.
    • Description - Optionally, enter the feed description.
    • Type - Select the feed type, either Packages or Libraries. You cannot edit the type for a feed that is deployed to at least one Orchestrator tenant.
    • URL - Enter the feed URL.
    • Optionally, enter the API Key for the feed.
  2. Click Save.

Delete a Feed

  1. In Automation Cloud™ , navigate to Automation Ops from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Manage Feeds > Custom.
  3. In the list of feeds, hover over the right side of the feed you want to delete, and then click Deletedocs image.

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