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Orchestrator User Guide

Last updated Oct 31, 2024

Managing Queues in Orchestrator

Learn how to confgure queues in Orchestrator.

Creating a Queue

  1. In the Queues page, click Add. Three buttons are displayed allowing you to add a queue, link queues from other folders, or hide the options.
  2. Click Add. The Create Queue window is displayed.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the queue.
  4. In the Description field, add a description for the queue.
  5. In the Unique Reference field, select Yes or No, to indicate if you want transaction references to be unique or not.
  6. In the Auto Retry field, select Yes or No to indicate if you want to use the auto-retry mechanism.
  7. In the Max # of retries field, if you selected Yes at step 5, input the number of times you want a queue item to be retried.
  8. Upload a JSON schema for any or each of Specific Data, Output Data, and Analytics Data by using the corresponding Browse button.
  9. Enable SLA predictions if you want to better control the processing time of your items, and to assess what resources you need such that they meet their deadline. If SLA predictions are enabled, configure the following fields:
    • From the Process drop-down, select the process which handles the queue items, and then fill in the SLA value below. The maximum value is 90 days.
    • Enable Risk SLA if you want to define a buffer zone before the actual SLA, and fill in the value below. The risk SLA must be smaller than the SLA.
  10. Click Add. The queue is created and displayed on the Queues page, yet it is empty.

You can populate queues either using Studio or on the Upload Items window. Processing items from a queue is only possible using Studio.

Editing Queues

You are able to update an existing queue settings, such as:

  • The queue name
  • The Auto Retry option
  • The maximum number of retries

Editing a Queue Name

To edit an existing queue name in Orchestrator:

  1. In the Queues page, click the More Optionsdocs image button for the desired queue.
  2. Click Editdocs image . The Update Queue wizard is displayed.
  3. In the Name field, enter the new name for the selected queue.
    • Make sure to enter a unique name. If a queue with the same name already exists in your tenant, you are prompted by the error message: The name <QueueName> is already used. (#1001).
    • The name is not case sensitive. Therefore, NEW_QueueName and new_queuename are duplicates.

  4. Click Update.
    Important: Make sure to update the queue name in the corresponding workflow(s) in Studio. You must do this manually, as there is no automatic way of updating the queue name in Studio.

Changing the Auto Retry Option

To change the Auto Retry option for an existing queue:

  1. In the Queues page, click the More Optionsdocs image button for the desired queue.
  2. Click Editdocs image . The Update Queue wizard is displayed.
  3. In the Auto Retry field, select the option you need.
  4. Click Update.

Setting a Maximum Number of Retries

Auto Retry Option : Yes

If you select Yes for the Auto Retry option, the Max # of retries field is displayed.

Enter a value in range 1-50 as the number of retries of the failed transaction.

Note: Existing failed transactions are not being retried. Only the transactions that fail after you set the new value are being retried.

Retried and deleted queue items do not participate in unique reference checks. As such, we recommend that you do not delete an original queue item from a retry chain, since this prevents the validation of unique references.

Example: Let's say you have a list of failed transactions that are retried once. The current value of Max # of retries is 2. Update the value to 3 and the failed transactions are retried two more times instead of one.

Auto Retry Option : No

If you select No for the Auto Retry option, the Max # of retries field is hidden.

No transaction is being retried.

Managing Queue Links

Sharing queues between folders enables launching jobs in multiple folders without redesigning your workflows in Studio when the underlying processes are targeting the same queue. Linking a queue to a folder makes the queue and all queue-associated objects, such as queue items, available in that folder.

  • A queue linked to multiple folders is marked using the icon. If the icon is not present, then the current folder is the only folder the queue resides in. Deleting it here completely removes the queue from Orchestrator.

  • You need the Queues - Create permission in the folders where you want to add the queue (target folders) and Queues - View in the folder where the queue currently resides (original folder). If you have Queues - Edit in the target folder, you also require Queues - Edit in the original folder.

Linking Multiple Queues to the Current Folder

  1. In the folder you want to link a queue to, on the Queues page, click Add. Three buttons are displayed allowing you to add a queue, link queues from other folders, or hide the options.
  2. Click Link Queues From Other Folders. The Link Queues window is displayed showing a list of all queues in the folders in which you have View permissions on Queues.
  3. On the Select Queues section, select one or multiple queues from the list.

  4. Click Continue. You are directed to the Folder Validation section. Here you can see the folders the queues are already linked to. If there are multiple folders, the number is displayed. Hover over it to see the folder names.

  5. Click Remove for the corresponding queue to revert the change or click Exit to cancel the operation.
  6. Click Link if you want to make the link between the queues you selected and the current folder. The queues are displayed on the Queues page.

Linking a Queue to Multiple Folders

  1. Navigate to a folder the queue to be linked resides in.
  2. Click More Actions > Manage Links for the desired queue to open the Manage Links window. The Manage Queue Links window is displayed.
    1 - Left-hand pane displaying all the folders you have been granted View permissions on Queues. 2 - The current state of the queue displaying the number of folders it currently resides in as well as their names. 3 - The folders the queue is to be added in according to your selection in the left-hand pane. 4 - The folders the queue will be removed from.

  3. Click Update. A confirmation window is displayed.
  4. Click Cancel if you want to abort the changes or Continue for the changes to take effect. The operations are now reflected in Orchestrator according to your changes.

Unlinking Queues From Folders

Unlinking queues from folders can be performed in a manner similar to the linking operation. Navigate to the link-management areas presented in the procedures above and remove the connections between a certain queue and a certain folder.

Alternatively, you can remove a queue using the Remove functionality.


Removing a queue that exists in multiple folders only removes it from the folder where the removal operation takes place, it does not remove it from the other folders as well. In order to completely delete a queue, you must remove all its existing links.

You cannot unlink a queue from a folder in the following situations:

  • queue SLA has been enabled in that folder;
  • a queue trigger is attached to the queue.

Displaying Transactions

In the Queues page, click More Actions > View Transactions. The Transactions page is displayed, containing only the items from the indicated queue.

Displaying Review Requests

In the Queues page, click on Review Requests to display all the queue items assigned for revision to the currently logged-in user. The page allows for status changes and managing item information.

Displaying the Queue Chart

To view the chart for a specific queue, click More Actions button, and then View Chart.

A line chart displays the transaction status evolution over a specific amount of time. The time period (last hour, day, week, 30 days) can be changed, and you can view the average execution time and the maximum number of retries.

Monitoring a Queue

To monitor a queue, click the corresponding More Actions button and then Monitor Queue. Alternatively, select it from the Queues Overview widget (Monitoring > Queues).

Note that monitoring a queue requires your user to have View permissions on Queues and on Monitoring. Additionally, Edit on Monitoring is required in order to disable errors from the Error Feed widget on the Monitoring > Queues page.

Removing a Queue

To remove a queue, click the corresponding More Actions button and then Remove.

Alternatively, select it from the Queues page and click Remove. The queue is no longer displayed on the Queues page.

Important: Removing a queue that exists in multiple folders only removes it from the folder where the removal operation takes place, it does not remove it from the other folders as well. In order to completely delete a queue, you must remove all its existing links.
Note: After a queue is deleted, assigned transaction items belonging to the queue are no longer visible in the Review Requests page.

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