Admin Guide
Last updated 21 oct. 2024

Packages and libraries

A package is a bundle comprising all automation elements such as activities, workflows, files, and data sources. When you create a project in Studio, you publish it as a package to a specific location or feed. From here, the Robot can download and use it to run the automation.

Important :

Use absolute paths to indicate the location of packages.

Default feeds

The following locations and feeds are configured by default in Studio:

  • Locataire Orchestrator et Hôte Orchestrator : Ces flux d’activités sont ajoutés par défaut si votre Robot est connecté à Orchestrator et qu’ils ne peuvent pas être désactivés. L’option Locataire d’Orchestrator n’est disponible que si le flux de bibliothèques locataire est activé dans Orchestrator. Ces flux ont la source suivante : https://[Orchestrator_host]/nuget/activities.
  • Local - The feed for the packages installed locally with Studio. The feed has the source: %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Packages for per-machine installations or %localappdata%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\Packages for per-user installations.
    Remarque :

    The publish date displayed in the Manage Packages window for packages from the local feed is the date when the Studio installer was built, not the date when the packages were published.

  • Official - The official online UiPath feed, where you can find the activity packages that are officially supported by us. This feed has the following source:
  • Marketplace - This public feed contains all the activities published on the UiPath Marketplace. Please note that whether or not packages are built and officially supported by UiPath is specifically stated in the Manage Packages window, Package Information tab. This feed has the following source:

Custom feeds

In Enterprise installations, a custom activity feed can only be used in workflows started from Studio on that user. Starting a job on the same machine from Orchestrator or the Assistant results in the Robot not being able to retrieve the appropriate package. To avoid such scenarios, add the custom feed

Important :

To use custom feeds, make sure the Robots have access to the custom location.

Activity feeds

When multiple feeds are used, NuGet selects the one that responds the fastest. Since activity packages can have multiple versions, the Robot searches for a version based on the runtime rules in Studio, as follows:
  • For the Strict runtime rule, the Robot looks only for the specified package version. For example, if you select Version 2.5.0 and set the Runtime Rule as Strict, the Robot seeks only version 2.5.0. If not found, it throws an error.

  • Fot the Lowest Applicable Version runtime rule, the Robot looks for the specified package version or higher. For example, if you select Version 2.5.0 and set the Runtime Rule as Lowest Applicable Version, the Robot searches for versions starting with 2.5.0 (2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and so on). If not found, it throws an error.

If a feed lacks signed packages and dependencies, the automation might fail. This is because the Robot expects all packages and dependencies to be signed. To prevent this, ensure that all configured feeds contain only signed packages and dependencies.
The following list summarizes the feeds the Robot uses, depending on how the feed is configured:
  • Si vous choisissez d'installer le flux local, le dossier %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Packages est créé. Il contient les paquets d'activités officiellement pris en charge par UiPath lors de l'installation. Le flux est activé par défaut.
  • If you choose not to install the local feed, the %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Packages folder is created, however it only contains the packs that are added as default dependencies to a new project:
    • UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities

    • UiPath.System.Activities

    • UiPath.Excel.Activities

    • UiPath.Mail.Activities

When you connect the Robot to Orchestrator, a NuGet feed is provided by Orchestrator. It contains the activity packages that are officially supported by UiPath . This feed is enabled by default and depends on your storage settings.

The following list summarizes the feeds the Robot uses, depending on the Robot connection to Orchestrator:

Robot connected to Orchestrator

  • Si NuGet.Repository.Type est défini sur Legacy, les activités sont enregistrées dans l'emplacement ~/NuGetPackages/Activities par défaut. Cette valeur est personnalisable et est conservée sur la machine Orchestrator dans le paramètre NuGet.Activities.Path du fichier web.config.
  • If NuGet.Repository.Type is set to Composite, activities are saved in the location specified through the Storage.Type and Storage.Location parameters.
    Important :
    The Composite option restricts the usage of copy-paste commands in the packages directory.

Robot not connected to Orchestrator

When the Robot is not connected to Orchestrator, or it does not find the required activities in the local feed, it uses the following feed:

This is the official online UiPath feed, which is the source from where the Package Manager in Studio retrieves its activities. By default, this feed is not active. To enable it, in Studio, go to Settings > Manage Sources, and select the corresponding option.

Dossiers des packages de secours

A fallback package folder is a backup folder from which the robot can retrieve necessary packages if the primary source fails.

To set this folder up, add the NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES environment variable on the robot machine. The variable should contain the list of full paths, each separated by a semicolon, to these backup folders. If the environment variable does not exist, the robot tries to read the NuGet packages fallback folders from the Nuget.config file.
Important :

You cannot use fallback folders to store and run entire automations or workflows.

Les processus déployés dans des dossiers de secours ne sont pas pris en charge, mais uniquement les dépendances.

  • Default feeds
  • Custom feeds
  • Activity feeds
  • Dossiers des packages de secours

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