- Primeros pasos
- Mejores prácticas
- Tenant
- Acerca del contexto de tenant
- Buscar recursos en un tenant
- Gestionar robots
- Conexión de los robots a Orchestrator
- Almacenar credenciales de robots en CyberArk
- Almacenar contraseñas de robots desatendidos en Azure Key Vault (solo lectura)
- Almacenar las credenciales de robots desatendidos en HashiCorp Vault (solo lectura)
- Almacenamiento de credenciales de Unattended Robot en AWS Secrets Manager (solo lectura)
- Eliminar sesiones desconectadas y sin respuesta no atendidas
- Autenticación de Robot
- Autenticación de robots con credenciales de cliente
- Autenticación por SmartCard
- Configurar las capacidades de automatización
- Auditoría
- Tipos de eventos
- Gestionar Webhooks
- Configuración: a nivel de tenant
- Servicio de catálogo de recursos
- Contexto de carpetas
- Automatizaciones
- Procesos
- Trabajos
- Desencadenadores
- Registros
- Supervisión
- Colas
- Activos
- Depósitos de almacenamiento
- Test Suite - Orchestrator
- Otras configuraciones
- Integraciones
- Administración de host
- Acerca del nivel del host
- Gestionar los administradores del sistema
- Gestión de tenants
- Registros de auditoría para el portal del host
- Modo de mantenimiento
- Administración de la organización
- Solución de problemas

Guía del usuario de Orchestrator
Tipos de eventos
A continuación se describen todos los eventos a los que puedes suscribirte en Orchestrator y cuándo se activan. Además, para cada tipo de evento hay disponibles ejemplos de la información que puedes recibir, también conocida como carga útil.
Se activa por la creación de uno o varios trabajos pendientes de ejecución. Este evento Webhook no se envía a un sistema externo si un UiPath Robot lo activa.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.created",
"EventId": "78936220",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:04:53.8462094Z",
"StartInfo": {
"ReleaseKey": "7d1cac2a-ac58-4c21-8b8a-2e35b0d10b68",
"Strategy": "JobsCount",
"RobotIds": [1],
"JobsCount": 1,
"Source": "Manual"
"Jobs": {
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Pending",
"Source": "Manual",
"SourceType": "Manual",
"BatchExecutionKey": "31d513d3-09aa-4c9c-998c-35f730fcfa83",
"ReleaseName": "bulk edit",
"Type": "Unattended",
"Robot": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "bench-zdqlGiDEkM",
"MachineId": 77,
"MachineName": "bench-ryenclhIkV",
"Description": "FPZuy",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "oqkMV",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Release": {
"Id": 359,
"Key": "0237af09-80a9-450b-b3a0-20c15dd308fa",
"ProcessKey": "RunUntilStoppedManually",
"ProcessVersion": "",
"Name": "RunUntilStoppedManually_all",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": null
"InputArguments": null,
"OutputArguments": null
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "job.created",
"EventId": "78936220",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:04:53.8462094Z",
"StartInfo": {
"ReleaseKey": "7d1cac2a-ac58-4c21-8b8a-2e35b0d10b68",
"Strategy": "JobsCount",
"RobotIds": [1],
"JobsCount": 1,
"Source": "Manual"
"Jobs": {
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Pending",
"Source": "Manual",
"SourceType": "Manual",
"BatchExecutionKey": "31d513d3-09aa-4c9c-998c-35f730fcfa83",
"ReleaseName": "bulk edit",
"Type": "Unattended",
"Robot": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "bench-zdqlGiDEkM",
"MachineId": 77,
"MachineName": "bench-ryenclhIkV",
"Description": "FPZuy",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "oqkMV",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Release": {
"Id": 359,
"Key": "0237af09-80a9-450b-b3a0-20c15dd308fa",
"ProcessKey": "RunUntilStoppedManually",
"ProcessVersion": "",
"Name": "RunUntilStoppedManually_all",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": null
"InputArguments": null,
"OutputArguments": null
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Se desencadena cuando se inicia la ejecución de un trabajo en un Robot.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.started",
"EventId": "816648dda7394ef7804b5c893ff1c58a",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4532871Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148649,
"Key": "da8fe505-d2a7-4546-b723-cf58807d69ad",
"State": "Running",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4432884Z",
"Info": "Waiting for execution to start...",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.started",
"EventId": "816648dda7394ef7804b5c893ff1c58a",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4532871Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148649,
"Key": "da8fe505-d2a7-4546-b723-cf58807d69ad",
"State": "Running",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T13:49:33.4432884Z",
"Info": "Waiting for execution to start...",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Este evento se dispara cuando un trabajo no se ejecuta, sin importar el motivo.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.faulted",
"EventId": "ec5afc6f07254520b8a6d31036b96975",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2879878Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148671,
"Key": "9cc6c2e4-237d-42f6-8cb8-43010652fb22",
"State": "Faulted",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:25.637Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2529616Z",
"Info": "This workflow always fails\r\
An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:\
System.InvalidOperationException: This workflow always fails\
at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)\r\
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager\r\
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)",
"OutputArguments": {},
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 358,
"Key": "8fad9c36-237b-49a6-a939-47963fb8099a",
"ProcessKey": "FailingJob"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.faulted",
"EventId": "ec5afc6f07254520b8a6d31036b96975",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2879878Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148671,
"Key": "9cc6c2e4-237d-42f6-8cb8-43010652fb22",
"State": "Faulted",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:25.637Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:26.2529616Z",
"Info": "This workflow always fails\r\
An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:\
System.InvalidOperationException: This workflow always fails\
at System.Activities.Statements.Throw.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)\r\
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager\r\
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)\r\
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)",
"OutputArguments": {},
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 358,
"Key": "8fad9c36-237b-49a6-a939-47963fb8099a",
"ProcessKey": "FailingJob"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Este evento se genera solo cuando un trabajo ha terminado de ejecutarse con éxito.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.completed",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:45.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.completed",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:45.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Este evento se activa cuando un usuario detiene manualmente un trabajo.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.stopped",
"EventId": "78936483",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.6939258Z",
"Jobs": [
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Stopped",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 0
"Release": {
"Id": 44753,
"Key": "3c2ec9b7-123c-41c1-af1d-8e71243125e7",
"ProcessKey": "BulkForm"
"TenantId": 3558,
"OrganizationUnitId": 8972,
"UserId": 25450
"Type": "job.stopped",
"EventId": "78936483",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.6939258Z",
"Jobs": [
"Id": 24704204,
"Key": "353d5b32-4749-4738-850c-48f94eb6fc6b",
"State": "Stopped",
"StartTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"EndTime": "2023-05-24T06:09:14.653Z",
"OutputArguments": null,
"Robot": {
"Id": 0
"Release": {
"Id": 44753,
"Key": "3c2ec9b7-123c-41c1-af1d-8e71243125e7",
"ProcessKey": "BulkForm"
"TenantId": 3558,
"OrganizationUnitId": 8972,
"UserId": 25450
Este evento se activa cuando se suspende un trabajo a través de un flujo de trabajo de larga duración.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "job.suspended",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:26.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "job.suspended",
"EventId": "15412ff77dce4d489fc32c273862839b",
"Timestamp": "2023-05-24T06:09:41.9292205Z",
"Job": {
"Id": 148712,
"Key": "d7a77655-3245-4d97-b127-04b3abebc439",
"State": "Successful",
"StartTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:25.433Z",
"EndTime": "2018-11-26T14:37:26.2861846Z",
"Info": "Job completed",
"OutputArguments": {
"product": 5000,
"sum": 150,
"diff": 50
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"Release": {
"Id": 357,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d762-4feb-98ec-d43534ef9f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Se activa cuando se crea un nuevo Robot en tu instancia de Orchestrator.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "robot.created",
"EventId": "a1f904c0de844dd1811581a176dde54f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:20:37.6962672Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 5769,
"Name": "TestDocBot",
"MachineId": 618,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "robot description",
"UserName": "uipath\)\)\)
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"Environments": [],
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Off",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1555",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "9001",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.created",
"EventId": "a1f904c0de844dd1811581a176dde54f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:20:37.6962672Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 5769,
"Name": "TestDocBot",
"MachineId": 618,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "robot description",
"UserName": "uipath\)\)\)
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"Environments": [],
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Off",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1555",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "9001",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Este evento se activa cuando un usuario de Orchestrator cambia los detalles de un Robot.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "robot.updated",
"EventId": "1b4cc368aa204a2291d036ce7ad659ff",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:21:28.0199575Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 225,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineId": 150,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "A robot for documentation.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "TkqRA",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Error",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": true,
"LoginToConsole": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1200",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "1600",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.updated",
"EventId": "1b4cc368aa204a2291d036ce7ad659ff",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:21:28.0199575Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 225,
"Name": "DocBot",
"MachineId": 150,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "A robot for documentation.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "TkqRA",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard",
"ExecutionSettings": {
"TracingLevelState": true,
"TracingLevel": "Error",
"StudioNotifyServerState": true,
"StudioNotifyServer": true,
"LoginToConsoleState": true,
"LoginToConsole": false,
"ResolutionWidthState": true,
"ResolutionWidth": "1200",
"ResolutionHeightState": true,
"ResolutionHeight": "1600",
"ResolutionDepthState": false,
"FontSmoothingState": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Este evento se activa cuando se elimina un Robot en tu instancia de Orchestrator.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "robot.deleted",
"EventId": "c8401e57449a4b83a44e35a35be0738b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:19:18.2038517Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 159,
"Name": "TestAPI",
"MachineId": 117,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "This is an API test.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 169,
"Name": "DocBot,
"MachineId": 122,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "For testing purposes.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 171,
"Name": "bench-iFPcNQWYGQ",
"MachineId": 123,
"MachineName": "PC-unAUMfGFGj",
"Description": "Testing robot.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "robot.deleted",
"EventId": "c8401e57449a4b83a44e35a35be0738b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:19:18.2038517Z",
"Robots": [
"Id": 159,
"Name": "TestAPI",
"MachineId": 117,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "This is an API test.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 169,
"Name": "DocBot,
"MachineId": 122,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Description": "For testing purposes.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"Id": 171,
"Name": "bench-iFPcNQWYGQ",
"MachineId": 123,
"MachineName": "PC-unAUMfGFGj",
"Description": "Testing robot.",
"Version": "18.3",
"UserName": "Mda",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Un evento al que puedes suscribirte para recibir notificaciones cuando el estado de un Robot cambia.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "robot.status",
"EventId": "980f4053fd6e4c04a3526d61cd80a7eb",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7943064Z",
"Sessions": [
"SessionId": 4778,
"RobotId": 4778,
"HostMachineName": "PC-DOC",
"State": "Busy",
"ReportingTime": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7463063Z",
"IsUnresponsive": false
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "robot.status",
"EventId": "980f4053fd6e4c04a3526d61cd80a7eb",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7943064Z",
"Sessions": [
"SessionId": 4778,
"RobotId": 4778,
"HostMachineName": "PC-DOC",
"State": "Busy",
"ReportingTime": "2018-11-26T14:12:30.7463063Z",
"IsUnresponsive": false
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
cuando un robot se desconecta.
Recibirás notificaciones de este evento cuando se haya creado una nueva cola.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queue.created",
"EventId": "d20b0839229443e8ab36c8fbb7cc8953",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:14.4357176Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This the description of the queue.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.created",
"EventId": "d20b0839229443e8ab36c8fbb7cc8953",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:14.4357176Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This the description of the queue.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Se envía una carga útil a la URL indicada cuando se ha modificado la definición de la cola.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queue.updated",
"EventId": "cc859a30057d430d97acb1c4da33c183",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:45.3594898Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.updated",
"EventId": "cc859a30057d430d97acb1c4da33c183",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:31:45.3594898Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Este evento se activa cuando una cola ha sido eliminada de tu instancia de Orchestrator.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queue.deleted",
"EventId": "056a9c975ae84f99a2fcb5361349679b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:32:09.1778423Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "queue.deleted",
"EventId": "056a9c975ae84f99a2fcb5361349679b",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:32:09.1778423Z",
"Queues": [
"Id": 40079,
"Name": "new-queue-definition-name",
"Description": "This is an update to the queue description.",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 3,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": true
"SlaInMinutes": 1500,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 1140
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Evento que se activa cuando se añade un elemento a la cola.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queueItem.added",
"EventId": "9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 22135,
"Key": "0e7fd9f2-5063-4ab4-a43e-5c3bf5ce6546",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.added",
"EventId": "9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 22135,
"Key": "0e7fd9f2-5063-4ab4-a43e-5c3bf5ce6546",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:14:31.1963476Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Se empiezan a recibir notificaciones de este evento en una URL personalizada cuando se empiezan a procesar los elementos de la cola.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionStarted",
"EventId": "49ff13b6ad4e47d58a8d3e47a771cb15",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22170,
"Key": "db36add9-dcde-4b79-83ac-bfb8ed0764e2",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionStarted",
"EventId": "49ff13b6ad4e47d58a8d3e47a771cb15",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22170,
"Key": "db36add9-dcde-4b79-83ac-bfb8ed0764e2",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "InProgress",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4182874Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Este evento se activa si una transacción ha sido procesada con éxito.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionCompleted",
"EventId": "916b1272c7714e92987788cab760cff3",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3948142Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22193,
"Key": "398a6d1f-615f-499c-86d3-ee325ab865b4",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Successful",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3858151Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"Output": {
"PetName": "Ksiusha",
"NrOfLegs": 4
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionCompleted",
"EventId": "916b1272c7714e92987788cab760cff3",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3948142Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22193,
"Key": "398a6d1f-615f-499c-86d3-ee325ab865b4",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Successful",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.127Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:30:18.3858151Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "Jane Doe",
"field2": 125123,
"field3": false,
"field4": "janedoe@work.com"
"Output": {
"PetName": "Ksiusha",
"NrOfLegs": 4
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Se envía una carga útil a tu URL personalizada si un elemento de la cola falla con una excepción de aplicación o de negocio.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionFailed",
"EventId": "6fe77f39c7f544a0a6fb0dd29842d7d7",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.9632204Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22160,
"Key": "e855153c-6b4d-441a-82b5-3d4585214485",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Failed",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"ProcessingException": {
"Reason": "Failed",
"Details": "Error during Heartbeat Status shutdown flushCastle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service UiPath.Core.Caching.IHeartbeatStatusFlush was found",
"Type": "BusinessException"
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.7942218Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
"Type": "queueItem.transactionFailed",
"EventId": "6fe77f39c7f544a0a6fb0dd29842d7d7",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.9632204Z",
"QueueItem": {
"Id": 22160,
"Key": "e855153c-6b4d-441a-82b5-3d4585214485",
"QueueDefinitionId": 40014,
"Status": "Failed",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"ProcessingException": {
"Reason": "Failed",
"Details": "Error during Heartbeat Status shutdown flushCastle.MicroKernel.ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service UiPath.Core.Caching.IHeartbeatStatusFlush was found",
"Type": "BusinessException"
"Priority": "High",
"CreationTime": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"StartProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.54Z",
"EndProcessing": "2018-11-26T14:16:31.7942218Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"Robot": {
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineId": 2229,
"MachineName": "PC-DOC",
"Version": "",
"UserName": "UIPATH\\doc.test",
"Type": "Unattended",
"HostingType": "Standard"
"SpecificContent": {
"field1": "A string",
"field2": 35125,
"field3": true
"Queue": {
"Id": 40014,
"Name": "temp",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 0,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": false,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 4947
Este evento envía notificaciones cuando un elemento de la cola ha sido abandonado (no ha sido procesado durante 24 horas).
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "queueItem.transactionAbandoned",
"EventId": "2121093386",
"Timestamp": "2024-03-20T13:06:03.1846774Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 896791,
"Name": "Queue_01",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 1,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false,
"SlaInMinutes": 0,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 0
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 420596584,
"Key": "b6bb7f83-5ffb-457c-bc46-ec7f607665f9",
"QueueDefinitionId": 896791,
"Status": "Abandoned",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "Normal",
"CreationTime": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.253Z",
"StartProcessing": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.48Z",
"EndProcessing": "2024-03-20T13:06:00.713Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0
"TenantId": 1007320,
"OrganizationUnitId": 5084041
"Type": "queueItem.transactionAbandoned",
"EventId": "2121093386",
"Timestamp": "2024-03-20T13:06:03.1846774Z",
"Queue": {
"Id": 896791,
"Name": "Queue_01",
"Description": "33 Featured",
"MaxNumberOfRetries": 1,
"AcceptAutomaticallyRetry": true,
"EnforceUniqueReference": false,
"SlaInMinutes": 0,
"RiskSlaInMinutes": 0
"QueueItems": [
"Id": 420596584,
"Key": "b6bb7f83-5ffb-457c-bc46-ec7f607665f9",
"QueueDefinitionId": 896791,
"Status": "Abandoned",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"Priority": "Normal",
"CreationTime": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.253Z",
"StartProcessing": "2024-03-19T13:02:20.48Z",
"EndProcessing": "2024-03-20T13:06:00.713Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"RetryNumber": 0
"TenantId": 1007320,
"OrganizationUnitId": 5084041
El objetivo indicado recibe una carga útil cuando se crea un nuevo proceso en tus instancias de Orchestrator.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "process.created",
"EventId": "aa55eb899ed241cdbeb6b6ef417f1dd5",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:22:58.44896Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.created",
"EventId": "aa55eb899ed241cdbeb6b6ef417f1dd5",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:22:58.44896Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Este evento se activa cuando se actualiza un proceso.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "process.updated",
"EventId": "dc61eec5aad148c5817036b3cc2f5e00",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:25:27.5423521Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6904.29557",
"Name": "Doc_AllEvents_3bf688c8-01e",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "3bf688c8-01e"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.updated",
"EventId": "dc61eec5aad148c5817036b3cc2f5e00",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:25:27.5423521Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 353,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6904.29557",
"Name": "Doc_AllEvents_3bf688c8-01e",
"Description": "",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 1,
"Name": "3bf688c8-01e"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
La URL especificada recibe notificaciones cuando se elimina un proceso.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "process.deleted",
"EventId": "0766775e9f6847818a6b04c6465c9a8f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:27:32.2656118Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 332,
"Name": "all"
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
"Type": "process.deleted",
"EventId": "0766775e9f6847818a6b04c6465c9a8f",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:27:32.2656118Z",
"Releases": [
"Id": 363,
"Key": "8a3db114-69c3-4b67-a8e7-7a5985bde461",
"ProcessKey": "BlankProcess_2",
"ProcessVersion": "1.0.6899.31694",
"Name": "BlankProcess_2_all",
"Description": "BlankProcess description",
"IsLatestVersion": false,
"Environment": {
"Id": 332,
"Name": "all"
"InputArguments": {
"a": "arg_value_a",
"b": "arg_value_b"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 2
Se lanzan cuando la ejecución de un desencadenador ha fallado.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "990cfc99f9174d70a6831f06f42d36dd",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:13:05.4013596Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 134,
"Name": "aProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "5/20 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "Specific",
"ExternalJobKey": "b8abfb7d-22ef-4b90-9976-d85da1d3ce63",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 134,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d702-4feb-98ec-d43534ef0f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"ExecutorRobots": [],
"InputArguments": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"Reason": "The robots already have pending jobs for this Process",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "2cc0ec4571f54819bb71c6c7bd81eee1",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:39:46.0357141Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 133,
"Name": "anotherProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "0/10 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "All",
"StopStrategy": "Kill",
"ExternalJobKey": "959c00a9-8ed2-4e1a-9115-2e12a45c1ca2",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 133,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"ExecutorRobots": [
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"Reason": "Starting jobs is not possible. A valid license is required.",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "990cfc99f9174d70a6831f06f42d36dd",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:13:05.4013596Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 134,
"Name": "aProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "5/20 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "Specific",
"ExternalJobKey": "b8abfb7d-22ef-4b90-9976-d85da1d3ce63",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 134,
"Key": "6205f5a8-d702-4feb-98ec-d43534ef0f89",
"ProcessKey": "Args_AddNumbers"
"ExecutorRobots": [],
"InputArguments": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"Reason": "The robots already have pending jobs for this Process",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
"Type": "schedule.failed",
"EventId": "2cc0ec4571f54819bb71c6c7bd81eee1",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:39:46.0357141Z",
"ProcessSchedule": {
"Id": 133,
"Name": "anotherProcess",
"Enabled": true,
"EnvironmentId": "1",
"EnvironmentName": "3bf688c8-01e",
"StartProcessCron": "0/10 * * * * ? *",
"StartStrategy": "All",
"StopStrategy": "Kill",
"ExternalJobKey": "959c00a9-8ed2-4e1a-9115-2e12a45c1ca2",
"TimeZoneId": "UTC",
"TimeZoneIana": "Etc/UTC",
"UseCalendar": false,
"Release": {
"Id": 133,
"Key": "688c79ec-205d-4c6f-a7e2-87c4fb258a92",
"ProcessKey": "Doc_AllEvents"
"ExecutorRobots": [
"Id": 4778,
"Name": "local",
"MachineName": "PC-DOC"
"InputArguments": {
"queue": "temp"
"Reason": "Starting jobs is not possible. A valid license is required.",
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1
Se activa cuando se realizan cambios en el destinatario de las acciones (añadir uno nuevo, cambiar el existente o eliminarlo).
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.assignmentChanged",
"EventId": "71cfbe72f1b740bdb33bf3c62a082686",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:52.3395506Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Performance Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Critical",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:50.047Z",
"Id": 209,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 58571
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
"Type": "task.assignmentChanged",
"EventId": "71cfbe72f1b740bdb33bf3c62a082686",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:52.3395506Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Performance Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Critical",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:50.047Z",
"Id": 209,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 58571
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
Se activa cada vez que una acción se marca como completada en el portal del Action Center.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.completed",
"EventId": "5b80ee1583304360ae8cbaeb85e4dbe7",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:59.317576Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Invoice Processing",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Completed",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:49.907Z",
"Id": 208,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 52454,
"Action": "submit"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
"Type": "task.completed",
"EventId": "5b80ee1583304360ae8cbaeb85e4dbe7",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:59.317576Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Invoice Processing",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Completed",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:13:49.907Z",
"Id": 208,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"AssignedToUserId": 52454,
"Action": "submit"
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 52454
Se activa cada vez que se crea una nueva acción desde el flujo de trabajo o a través de una API.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.created",
"EventId": "3d7034c0fcbf435992377e21dde3fa13",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0622545Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Orchestrator is my nemesis",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Unassigned",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0466387Z",
"Id": 210,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 59082
"Type": "task.created",
"EventId": "3d7034c0fcbf435992377e21dde3fa13",
"Timestamp": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0622545Z",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Orchestrator is my nemesis",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": "Unassigned",
"CreationTime": "2020-01-09T11:14:17.0466387Z",
"Id": 210,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200
"TenantId": 1,
"OrganizationUnitId": 200,
"UserId": 59082
Se activa cada vez que una acción se guarda antes de ser completada.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.saved",
"EventId": "xxxxxx",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"UserId": 999,
"Title": "string",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Low",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2019-08-16T07:16:25.773Z",
"TaskCatalogName": "string",
"Id": 0
"AssignedToUserId": 888,
"Action": ""
"Type": "task.saved",
"EventId": "xxxxxx",
"Timestamp": "2018-11-26T14:17:21.4332911Z",
"UserId": 999,
"Title": "string",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Low",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2019-08-16T07:16:25.773Z",
"TaskCatalogName": "string",
"Id": 0
"AssignedToUserId": 888,
"Action": ""
La URL especificada recibe notificaciones cuando se elimina una acción.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.deleted",
"EventId": "2",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-19T06:30:26.25",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "High prio task with Catalog",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": 3,
"CreationTime": "2020-11-27T14:47:46.647Z",
"Id": 7,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1,
"AssignedToUserId": 3,
"DeleterUserId": 3,
"DeletionTime": "2021-01-19T06:30:24.6799181Z"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 3
"Type": "task.deleted",
"EventId": "2",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-19T06:30:26.25",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "High prio task with Catalog",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "High",
"Status": 3,
"CreationTime": "2020-11-27T14:47:46.647Z",
"Id": 7,
"OrganizationUnitId": 1,
"AssignedToUserId": 3,
"DeleterUserId": 3,
"DeletionTime": "2021-01-19T06:30:24.6799181Z"
"TenantId": 1,
"UserId": 3
Se activa cada vez que una acción se envía a otros usuarios.
Ejemplo de carga útil:
"Type": "task.forwarded",
"EventId": "12088840",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-18T05:08:40.58",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Sample Form Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Medium",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-10-28T11:17:28.023Z",
"Id": 18870,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"AssignedToUserId": 221732,
"ForwardedByUserId": 221731
"TenantId": 46729,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"UserId": 221731
"Type": "task.forwarded",
"EventId": "12088840",
"Timestamp": "2021-01-18T05:08:40.58",
"Tasks": [
"Title": "Sample Form Task",
"Type": "FormTask",
"Priority": "Medium",
"Status": "Pending",
"CreationTime": "2020-10-28T11:17:28.023Z",
"Id": 18870,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"AssignedToUserId": 221732,
"ForwardedByUserId": 221731
"TenantId": 46729,
"OrganizationUnitId": 101623,
"UserId": 221731
- Eventos de trabajo
- Job.created
- Job.started
- Job.faulted
- Job.completed
- Job.stopped
- Job.suspended
- Eventos del Robot
- Robot.created
- Robot.updated
- Robot.deleted
- Robot.status
- Eventos de cola
- Queue.created
- Queue.updated
- Queue.deleted
- Eventos QueueItem
- QueueItem.added
- QueueItem.transactionStarted
- QueueItem.transactionCompleted
- QueueItem.transactionFailed
- QueueItem.transactionAbandoned
- Eventos de proceso
- Process.created
- Process.updated
- Process.deleted
- Eventos de desencadenador
- Schedule.failed
- Eventos de acciones
- Task.assignmentChanged
- Task.completed
- Task.created
- Task.saved
- Task.deleted
- Task.forwarded