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Automation Hub API Guide

Input for High Level Assessment

Used for Submitting the Employee-driven Ideas



Use Case


How rule-based is your task? = rules

  • Very Creative = 1

  • Pretty Creative = 2

  • A mix between rules and creativity = 3

  • Pretty Rule Based = 4

  • Very Rule Based = 5

GET and POST request parameters


How would you describe the input data for your task/process? = input_type

  • Very Much Paperbased = 1

  • Pretty Much Paperbased= 2

  • A mix between digital and paperbased = 3

  • Pretty Much Digital = 4

  • Very Much Digital = 5

GET and POST request parameters


How would you describe the structure of your input data? = input_quality

  • Very much unstructured = 1

  • Pretty much unstructured = 2

  • A mix between structured and unstructured = 3

  • Pretty Much Structured = 4

  • Very Much Structured = 5

GET and POST request parameters


Are you aware of any expected changes to the way you currently perform the activity or process in the following 6 months? = stability

  • Major Change Expected = 1

  • Several Changes Expected = 2

  • Some Change Expected = 3

  • Minor Change Expected = 4

  • No Change Expected = 5

GET and POST request parameters


Do you have any documentation regarding this process/activity?= documentation

  • Detailed Work Instructions = 5

  • Standard Operating Procedure = 4

  • Task/Process maps/flowcharts = 3

  • Input Files = 2

  • There is no documentation = 1

GET and POST request parameters


The Idea submittersubmitter

Enter the submitter email address.



The idea assigned Process Ownerowner

Enter the Process Owner email address.



Automation Idea Name = process_name

Enter the name of the idea using the template.

POST request parameter


Description = process_description

Enter the idea description using the template.

POST request parameter


Automation Idea Area = category_id

You can easily extract Category ID by using the GET category call.

POST request parameter


"process_name": "InvoiceProcessing",
  "process_description": "Invoice data entry",
  "category": 717,
    "rules": 4,
    "input_type": 3,
    "input_quality": 5,
    "stability": 4,
    "documentation": 5,
    "submitter": "",
    "owner": mary.doe@email.com1
}  "process_name": "InvoiceProcessing",
  "process_description": "Invoice data entry",
  "category": 717,
    "rules": 4,
    "input_type": 3,
    "input_quality": 5,
    "stability": 4,
    "documentation": 5,
    "submitter": "",
    "owner": mary.doe@email.com1

UI Correspondent: Submit an Idea

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