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Automation Hub API Guide

Automation Hub Custom Connector

The Custom Connector for Automation Hub helps you ease up the process of building robots or workflows that interact with the Automation Hub Open API. This custom Automation Hub connector is based on the Integration Service Connection Builder​.

The image below is a small representation of the steps you need to perform to start using the connector:

Importing Your Custom Connector

Note: The Connector is built on top of the Automation Hub API and pre-configured so it can be used directly in Studio or Studio Web. However, after you import it in Connector Builder, you can configure or customize it as you wish.

To start using your custom connector, go to the Integration Service on the Automation Cloud Organization where you are planning to use the Connector.

  1. On the Connectors tab, select Add a new Connector.

  2. Select Start from an API definition, and provide the API definition:
    • From a local file – Upload a Postman or Swagger collection (Download the connector now or later from Automation Hub Explore Components area and upload the zip file.)

  3. Select Continue.

Configure Your Connector

  1. In the Confirm import window, you can:
    • Change the Provider name,Application name, and Connector name
    • Modify the resources you want to use in your custom connector. All available resources are automatically selected; unselect the ones you wish to exclude.
      • Use the Search bar to look for a specific resource.

    • Select Create.
  2. The Settings window is now displayed.
  3. In the Info tab you can configure the following fields:
    • Connector prefix – for example, documentation. This is reflected in your connector key.
    • Provider name – Enter a provider name.
    • Application name – Enter an application name.
    • API type – This field is disabled by default, as only REST is currently supported.
    • Display name – This is the name of your connector, as it'll appear in the Connector catalog.
    • Description – Enter a description for your connector.
    • Icon – Select Browse to upload an image from your computer.
  4. Catalog preview displays how your custom connector will appear in the Integration Service connector catalog.
  5. Select Save.
  6. To verify the connection, select on the top right button Not connected and then select Add connection.

  7. A popup window opens. You need to enter your Automation Hub Open API token and app key (generated from Automation Hub). Select Connect.

  8. On the top right of the webpage, a Connected message is displayed. To publish your connector, select on Publish.

Using the Connector in UiPath Studio Web

To use the custom connector in Studio Web, follow the steps below:

  1. Access Studio Web by selecting the Studio icon in the left side of the webpage in Automation CloudTM .
  2. Select New project and enter a Name for the project, and select How to start the automation.
  3. Select Add activity by selecting on the green icon.
  4. In the new popup window, search for connector builder and you can choose from six activities with existing operations:
    • Get Record

      Download Documents

    • Insert Record
    Add Users
    Add Collaborators
    Edit User
    Post Documents
    Submit CoE Idea (legacy)
    Submit Employee Driven Idea (legacy)
    Submit Idea from Schema
    Submit Process Mining Idea
    Update Tags
    Update Media
    Update StatusAdd Users
    Add Collaborators
    Edit User
    Post Documents
    Submit CoE Idea (legacy)
    Submit Employee Driven Idea (legacy)
    Submit Idea from Schema
    Submit Process Mining Idea
    Update Tags
    Update Media
    Update Status
    • Update Record
    • Delete Record
    • List Records
    GET App Inventory
    GET Automation Pipeline
    GET Automations
    GET Automation Store
    GET Automation Store Reviews
    GET Categories
    GET Collaborators
    GET Components
    GET Components from Ideas
    GET Cost Benefit Analisys
    GET Idea from Schema
    GET Scema for Idea
    GET Documents
    GET Roles
    GET UsersGET App Inventory
    GET Automation Pipeline
    GET Automations
    GET Automation Store
    GET Automation Store Reviews
    GET Categories
    GET Collaborators
    GET Components
    GET Components from Ideas
    GET Cost Benefit Analisys
    GET Idea from Schema
    GET Scema for Idea
    GET Documents
    GET Roles
    GET Users
    • List All Records
    GET App Inventory
    GET Automation Pipeline
    GET Automations
    GET Automation Store
    GET Automation Store Reviews
    GET Categories
    GET Collaborators
    GET Components
    GET Components from Ideas
    GET Cost Benefit Analisys
    GET Idea from Schema
    GET Scema for Idea
    GET Documents
    GET Roles
    GET UsersGET App Inventory
    GET Automation Pipeline
    GET Automations
    GET Automation Store
    GET Automation Store Reviews
    GET Categories
    GET Collaborators
    GET Components
    GET Components from Ideas
    GET Cost Benefit Analisys
    GET Idea from Schema
    GET Scema for Idea
    GET Documents
    GET Roles
    GET Users
  5. Select the new activity tab to expand, and use the connector and the Object you want to query.
    docs image
  6. The output represents the response that comes down from the Automation Hub API.

Using the connector in UiPath Studio Desktop

To start using the custom connector in Studio Desktop, follow the steps below:
  1. Open Studio Desktop.
  2. Select Manage Packages from Studio Toolbar and install the Connector Builder activity pack.
  3. Open a main workflow and drag the Connector Builder Scope activity.
  4. Select Configure
    docs image
  5. Select the Automation Hub - Open API connector.
    docs image
  6. Select Save and now you can add some of the existing operations from the connector builder.
  7. After selecting the operation, select the connection ID and the Object you want to query.
  8. The output represents the response that comes down from the Automation Hub API.

Automation Hub Custom Connector Demo Below, you can see a video demonstration of the steps described in this article.

video thumbnail

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