管理 Webhook
Orchestrator 用户指南
管理 Webhook
要创建 Webhook,请选择以下选项之一:
- 在 Orchestrator 工具栏中选择加号图标,然后选择“Webhook”。
- 在租户页面上选择“Webhook”,然后选择“添加 Webhook”。
接下来,在“添加 Webhook”页面上,继续进行以下配置:
要启用或禁用 Webhook,请单击已启用列中的切换开关。启用 Webhook 时,切换按钮为蓝色。
Important: Webhooks that fail in over 50% of cases per day over 7 consecutive days are automatically disabled. When this happens, you are notified, and an entry is recorded in the audit window. The audit entry is attributed to User System Administrator, which is a catch-all username for system-performed actions.