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Robot User Guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

UiPath.Settings File Description

The UiPath.Settings file contains all the necessary details regarding how the Robot performs processes. You can modify these settings by directly editing the file and the corresponding fields. On the other hand, you can modify them via Orchestrator. This is done from the Settings tab.
Note: Please note that local system and administrator rights are required to modify these settings. You should restart the UiPath® Robot service (admin rights are required to do this), and close the Robot tray for changes to take effect.
The UiPath.Settings file is stored in the %localappdata%\UiPath\ folder when the Robot is deployed in user mode, and %programdata%\UiPath\ when the Robot is deployed in service mode. It is created the first time the UiPath® Robot service starts. It contains the following parameters:




The API key of the NuGet feed.

When not connected to Orchestrator, if you are using a local feed, it does not require an API key. If you use a private MyGet feed, please note that this parameter is required.

When connected to Orchestrator, this value is not taken into account.


The location where projects are pushed and from where they are retrieved. This can be either a local feed, such as a file system path, or a web feed that uses the NuGet protocol (NuGet, MyGet etc.).

When not connected to Orchestrator, the default value is %ProgramData%\UiPath\packages (user mode) or `%. If you use a private MyGet feed, please use the URL provided under Your pre-authenticated V2 URL (no basic authentication). Please note that this is not a free service from MyGet.

When connected to Orchestrator, this value is not taken into account.


The address where the activities are stored. This field is only populated if you are not connected to Orchestrator. By default, the value is ~/NuGetPackages/Activities. If you connect to Orchestrator, this field is not taken into account. Find out more about the activities feeds on this page, as well as where packages are installed based on the Robot deployment type.


The address of your instance of Orchestrator.

When not connected to Orchestrator, this parameter is empty.

When connected to Orchestrator, it is automatically filled in with the URL you provided in the Orchestrator Settings window.


The level at which the Robot should log information. The following options are available: Verbose,Trace,Information,Warning,Error,Critical and Off.

This can also be changed from the Orchestrator Settings window, from the Level drop-down list.


Indicates whether or not to log information at a trace level, to help you with troubleshooting crashes and errors. By default, this parameter is set to false. To start low level tracing, set the value of this parameter to true. You can also change this value from the command line.


The Machine Key that is used to connect to Orchestrator. The key is encrypted in the UiPath.settings file using DPAPI. This value can also be filled in and modified from the Orchestrator Settings window. If not connected to Orchestrator, this parameter should be empty.


Enables the Robot to connect to the console session of the machine where it is installed. Additionally, it indicates if you can connect multiple Robots to Orchestrator using multiple users (High-Density Robots) or not. By default, the value is true. To enable High-Density Robots, set the value to false.


The machine's display resolution width. This option is set to 0 by default, which means that it automatically retrieves and uses the detected resolution width. You can use a custom value, as long as it is supported by the workstation.


The machine's display resolution height. This option is set to 0 by default, which means that it automatically retrieves and uses the detected resolution height. You can use a custom value, as long as it is supported by the workstation.


The machine's display resolution depth. This option is set to 0 by default, which means that it automatically retrieves and uses the detected resolution depth. You can use a custom value, as long as it is supported by the workstation.


Enhances text recognition. If is set to True, the Font Smoothing option over RDP connections is turned on. This means that the target machine will have ClearType turned on.


A string generated from Orchestrator that enables you to register your Robot to it, without providing the Machine Name and Machine Key.


Disables the possibility to execute processes from the command line when enabled. By default, this feature is hidden and disabled.


Parameter used to configure Proxy Settings for the Robot. Find out more in the Redirecting Robots Through a Proxy document.

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