  • Release notes
      • 2021.10.7
      • 2021.10.6
      • 2021.10.5
      • 2021.10.4
      • 2021.10.1
  • Getting started
  • Setup and configuration
  • Working with Task Mining
  • Additional resources
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Task Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Última atualização 11 de nov de 2024

Setting up the users

Managing the user accounts in Task Mining User Management

User management via Task Mining

You can set access for users only for Task Mining service by using the Manage Access feature.

The Users tab displays a list of users with email addresses, assigned roles, and assigned projects.

In the Manage Access tab, a list of Users/Groups and permissions is displayed. Here, you can add permissions to a specific user or group.

The following Assign Roles can be added:

Assign RolesRights


  • A Task Mining User has access only to Task Mining service on the left rail (plus the default services and settings for an Automation User).
  • Can install desktop app and record.

Process SME

  • Can view the project tab, but have no edit right to rename/archive/edit any project.
  • Can select any project and will have access only to the Discovery results tab to review the results.
  • Has full edit right in visualizer to edit tasks, steps, and actions.
  • Does not have access User Management tab to add any users to Task Mining service.


  • Can access Task Mining to create projects, configure settings, and invites Task Mining users to different projects.
  • Can monitor the recording status of projects.
  • After enough data is collected, Task Mining Admin can trigger a machine learning pipeline in AI Center.
  • Can review the analysis results.
  • Can add any missing members (Task Mining Admin, Process SME, and Task Mining Users) to the same service (only if the member has been previously invited to the cloud platform as Automation User and has accepted the invite).

To find out more about Roles and account check About accounts page in Automation Suite.

  • User management via Task Mining

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