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Actividades de productividad
Last updated 21 de nov. de 2024

AADSTS70002: Cliente no válido: error al validar las credenciales


When using a Microsoft 365 activity with Application ID and Secret authentication method, you encounter the following error: "AADSTS70002: InvalidClient - Error validating the credentials. The specified client_secret does not match the expected value for this client. Correct the client_secret and try again."


  1. In Azure, go to App registrations, select your application, then navigate to the Overview tab.

  2. Check the Directory ID (Tenant ID) and Application ID (Client ID) to ensure these are the IDs used for your authentication configuration.

  3. Navigate to the Certificates & secrets tab and generate a new secret to be used in the Scope activity.. This ensures you are using the correct secret. Make sure you copy the Secret Value, not the Secret ID.

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