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Document Understanding Activities
Last updated Apr 10, 2024

DocumentActionData Class

Namespace: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Action


Base class for all the Document Actions



  • Action string - Provides the action string.
  • AssignedToUser UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.UserData - The user the action is assigned to.
  • CompletedByUser UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.UserData - Gets or sets the user that completed the task.
  • CompletionTime System.DateTime - The timestamp when the task was completed.
  • CreationTime System.DateTime - The timestamp when the task was created.
  • CreatorUser UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.UserData - The user that created the action.
  • Data object - Gets or sets the data used in the action.
  • DeleterUser UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.UserData - The user that deleted the action.
  • FolderPath string - The folder path used in the action.
  • Id long - Id for the action.
  • IsDeleted bool - Indicates whether the task was deleted or not.
  • LastAssignedTime System.DateTime - The timestamp when the task was assigned for the last time.
  • LastModifierUser UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.UserData - The user that was the last to modify the task.
  • Priority UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.DocumentActionPriority - The priority of this action.
  • Status UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.DocumentActionStatus - The status of this action.
  • TaskCatalogName string - The task catalog/category of the action.
  • TaskUrl string - The action Url on Orchestrator.
  • Title string - The title of this action.
  • Type UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Actions.DocumentActionType - The type of this action.

  • Description
  • Members

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