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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Editing an action from a sequence

Each Sequence contains a number of actions made in order to complete the task. The action represents a certain activity, such as a click, documented using a screenshot that underlines the action and the place where this was made.

Adding a title and description

To give more information about an action, add an Action Title and Action Description by double-clicking the fields below it.

Alternatively, you can add the Title and Description by open the Action editor and updating the information in the 3rd panel.

Editing an action

To edit an action select the Sequence from the workflow. The Sequence Editor page is displayed. Select the action you want to edit. The following options are available for each action via the context menu that you can open through the three-dots menu or by right-clicking the action:

  1. Edit action. Alternatively, open the Action Editor by double-clicking the action.
  2. Save as an image.
  3. Cut
  4. Copy
  5. Paste
  6. Duplicate.
  7. Remove.

Pasting actions into the empty sequence is possible by using the following steps:

  1. Select an empty sequence
  2. Right-click at the right-side panel, over the robot icon
  3. Select paste option

Action editor

By clicking Edit Action the Action Editor is displayed.

The options included in each Action Editor panels are:

1. Inbuilt Sequence Editor

The Sequence Editor panel is located on the left-hand side of the window and contains the Sequence actions allowing you to select the action you want to edit.

2. Image Editor

Within the image editor you can find a panel containing several features as well as an action set which, depending on whether the action includes an image or not, contains the following options:

Action contains an Image:

  • Copy Image and past it to another document.
  • Replace Image

    • From File; select an image that you already have and replace the captured one.
    • Capture a Screenshot; an option allowing you to take a screenshot.

Action without image (empty action):

  • Insert Image

    • From File; select an image that you already have and document the action.
    • Capture a Screenshot; an option allowing you to take a screenshot.

The Image Editor upper side panel contains the following features:

  1. Select

    Choose any element on a screenshot and make changes to it. Depending on the element you select, different editing options are enabled in the panel.

  2. Rectangle / Rounded Rectangle / Ellipse

    Draw a Rectangle, a Rounded Rectangle, or an Ellipse. Editing options:

    2.1. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.

    2.2. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    2.3. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    2.4. Shadow – add/remove shadows.

    2.5. Bring to Front - bring this annotation to the front.

    2.6. Move to Back – move this annotation to back.

  3. Arrow / Line

    Underline important information with a Line or an Arrow. Editing options:

    3.1. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    3.2. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    3.3. Shadow – add/remove shadows.

    3.4. Bring to Front - bring this annotation to the front.

    3.5. Move to Back – move this annotation to back.

  4. Sequence

    Add a number to your actions. Editing options:

    4.1. Shadow – add/remove shadows.

    4.2. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.

    4.3. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    4.4. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    4.5. Bring to Front - bring this annotation to the front.

    4.6. Move to Back – move this annotation to back.

  5. Highlight

    Emphasize important parts by highlighting it. Editing options:

    5.1. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.

    5.2. Bring to Front - bring this annotation to the front.

    5.3. Move to Back – move this annotation to back.

  6. Text

    Add text boxes with further possibilities for high-quality screenshot editing. Editing options:

    6.1. Text Tools – choose Font Name and Font-size, make your text Bold / Italic / Underlined.

    6.2. Font Color

    6.3. Shadow – add/remove shadows.

    6.4. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.

    6.5. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    6.6. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.

    6.7. Bring to Front - bring this annotation to the front.

    6.8. Move to Back – move this annotation to back.

  7. Grab Text

    Extract text from an image and paste it where needed. Select the text from a screenshot. Click Recognize to extract it from the image. A message stating that the text is copied and can be pasted wherever needed is displayed.

  8. Blur

    Blur parts of a screenshot that contain confidential information.

  9. Crop

Remove unnecessary parts of a screenshot, by following the below steps:

  1. Click the image.

  2. Select the part that can be removed.

  3. Click Crop.

You can always reset screenshots you’ve just cropped.

Note: Annotation settings (for Shapes, Lines, Sequences, Highlight, Text) can be set as default in My Branding menu. Find more information File menu.

3. Action Title / Action Description

The Action Title and/or Action Description can be added by using the panel located on the right-hand side of the page.

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