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- Working with Task Capture
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Task Capture
Building your workflow diagram from scratch
The Start action is added to the process map by default, but the element name can be changed by double-clicking it. Once you select the Build Diagram option, the first Sequence is added automatically. To continue building the process diagram, follow the below steps:
- Hover over the Sequence to see the plus (+) sign that allows adding the new element to your diagram.
- Hover over the plus (+) sign corresponding to the place where you want to add the next element.
Select the next diagram element type. The available options are:
- Sequence - represents a group of actions related to a particular business step of your process
- Decision - allows you to build different branching scenarios of the process flow
End - specifies the endpoint of the process
Additionally, you have the option to:
- Add an Arrow
- Initiate the capture action
Double click the name of the element to change it.
Note: New elements can also be added using the Elements Panel on the left-top side of Diagram Editor viewport. The panel contains two main groups of elements: Basic and BPMN.
In the Elements Panel you can select the following BPMN elements:
- Task
- Start event
- Intermediate event
- End event
- Gateway
Pool - a combination of three or more horizontal lanes that contains one header for the entire pool and individual headers for each lane.
Double-clicking the title of the Pool can rename pools.
When hovering over a Pool, a + button is visible and lets you add a new Pool lane directly after the one on which the button was pressed.
Some elements can be customized by changing their type or attach border events. This is done from the right-click menu of the element.
To indicate on the process map, that some part of the process is an exception part, you can attach border events.
Adding border events to the diagram elements of Sequence types (Sequence, Task, Transaction, Call Activity) can be done via right-click on the sequence, and in the context menu select Attach border event option.
Events for exceptions available in the menu:
- Message
- Message (Non-interrupting)
- Timer
- Timer (Non-interrupting)
Note: Exception flows and all elements coming from these exception events are exported as a separate part of the Word document during Export to Word. For more details check Word document page.Note: Exception flows and all elements coming from these exception events are exported in Studio as throw catch activities.
Working with elements can be done easier with the help of Elements Properties.
For Sequence, Decision, Events, and Swimlanes, you can set the following:
- Description - A description can be set to be available when exporting to a Word file.
Styles - A Fill color, Outline color, and Font color can be added, to better differentiate between specific elements. You have the option to Apply to all sequences or/and Apply to all shapes the selected custom colors.