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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Accessibility features

Keyboard shortcuts

Diagram Editor is accessible with a list of keyboard shortcuts to work with as follows:

  • Tab to navigate figures.
  • Space/Enter to select one figure.
  • Shift/Ctrl/Cmd + Space/Enter to select multiple figures.
  • Arrow Keys to move selected figure(s).
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Arrow Key to show "Add new figure aside" popup (if applicable to a focused diagram element) in a correspondent direction.
  • Shift + Arrow Key to resize that (same as the Arrow) side of the element, Enter to confirm and exit resizing the side.
  • Ctrl/Cmd + E to edit figure label text, Ctrl/Cmd+E to save and exit text editing.
  • Ctrl/Cmd + L to link selected figure to some other figure. Detailed instructions on using this shortcut:
  1. Use Tab to navigate to a Sequence, Event, or Decision to add a new Link from (source element)
  2. Press Ctrl/Cmd+L to mark a current element as a new link source
  3. the element will become outlined after pressing Ctrl/Cmd+L - only a new link can be created from it. For example, Sequences can have only 1 in and/or 1 out Link, and Swimlanes can’t have Links at all.
  4. Use Tab to navigate to an element to add a new Link to (target element)
  5. Press Enter/Space to mark the target element
  6. the element will become outlined after pressings Enter/Space. If it didn’t, it means that a Link to it can’t be created, please use Tab to navigate to another element or Esc to cancel.
  7. Press Enter/Space again to confirm and create a new Link between source and target elements.

Text size

Interface text size can be changed from the Text Size section in the Settings tab using the dropdown list where you can select the recommended 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, or 200%.

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