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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Details about the PDD

When accessing your Process Definition Document (PDD) the following elements are available:

Note: The PDD file used to describe the below steps was generated using the default UiPath® PDD template. The content might differ if another template is used.

Table of contents

To go directly to a specific part of the document, press Ctrl and click the corresponding entry.


  • Edit the Purpose of the document if needed.
  • Check the list of Objectives and update it with customized ones (1).
  • Add roles in the Process key contact part (2).
  • Look through the Minimum Pre-requisites for automation (3).

Process overview

Note: Some of the data is automatically inserted in the table. Other parts require manual input.

Applications used in the process

This table is auto-inserted and contains the list of applications used during the capturing process.

As-Is Process Map

High-level As-Is Process map is the workflow diagram generated based on the or the Capture Process.

Process statistics

This chapter is created automatically based on the captured process(-es) and includes the below sections: High-level statistics (1)

Detailed statistics (2).

Detailed As-Is Process Steps

In this section, you have access to each captured sequence and the actions inside it. These include Title and Description, Estimated time, Type of action (e.g. Left Mouse Click), and a screenshot.

To-Be Process Description

This section contains the To-Be Detailed Process Map (1), Parallel Initiatives (2), and In Scope of RPA (3).

  • You can use the exported Word document as a template if you want to apply the To-Be Process Map with Task Capture and further, update your document with it. To do this follow the below steps:

    1. Add the necessary placeholders to the exported document. For example {%diagram} to insert a process map in the necessary place.
    2. Go to Export & Publish > Word Document > Template View.
    3. Hover over any of the templates and click Edit Template.
    4. Open the local template folder.
    5. Paste the exported Word file that you want to use as a template.
    6. Remove the current template file.
    7. Rename your document to "template".
    8. Use this template for exporting.
  • You can add details on the (sub-)processes that are Out of Scope of RPA (4) and on Business Exception Handling (5).

  • You can fill in the table regarding Application Error and Exception Handling (6).

  • Add Reporting if needed (7) and Other Observations (8).

  • Finally, feel free to indicate Additional sources of process documentation.

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