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Apps User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Apr 19, 2024



  • Input type - Change the type of textbox. You can choose between Text,Number, and Email.
  • Value Binding - Bind the textbox to either an RPA Process argument or to an App field. This property gets resolved dynamically during runtime.
  • Hint Text- Configure the help text for the control which shows in the runtime.
  • Default Text - Default value which shows in the runtime.
  • Tooltip - Tooltip to be displayed on the textbox. Use this to provide additional information on the control.
  • Label - Text to be displayed next to the control. If the Required property from the Validation section is set to =true, there is also an asterisk * after the text.
  • Required - If set to =true, it makes this control a mandatory one. It also adds an asterisk * after the configured label text in runtime.
  • Min length - Sets the minimum number of characters required by the validation.
  • Max length - Sets the maximum number of characters required by the validation.
  • Pattern (Regex) - Used to validate different input patterns. The value needs to be between forward slashes / /, for example /{REGEX}/. If an invalid Regex is provided, no validations are done during Runtime. Check the following examples for valid Regex expressions:
    • /\d/ - should contain digits
    • /^\d*$/ - only allows digits
    • /\w/ - should contain word characters (It always matches the ASCII characters [A-Za-z0-9_])
    • /[A-G]/ - should contain characters from A to G
    • /^C\d{7}$/ - values should start with letter C followed by seven numeric characters
    • /^.{6,10}$/ - values should be between 6 and 10
    • /[A-H0-5_@?]/ - only allows characters from A to H, 0 to 5, _, @, and ?
    • /^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$/ - check for credit card numbers from Visa
    • /^3[47][0-9]{13}$/ - check for credit card number from American Express
    • /^5[1-5][0-9]{14}|^(222[1-9]|22[3-9]\\d|2[3-6]\\d{2}|27[0-1]\\d|2720)[0-9]{12}$/ - check for credit card numbers from MasterCard
    • /^([+]?\d{1,2}[-\s]?|)\d{3}[-\s]?\d{3}[-\s]?\d{4}$/ - allows phone numbers with optional country code, optional special characters and whitespace
    • /^(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])\/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(\d{4})$/ - valid birthdate using the DD/MM/YYYY format
  • Custom Error Message - Specific error message to be displayed in case of any input validation error. This includes the Required and Pattern (Regex), minimum or maximum value for numbers, minimum or maximum length for text.
  • Hidden- If selected, hides the control in the runtime.
  • Disabled - If selected, disables the control in the runtime.


  • Value changed - Configure what happens when the value is changed.


  • Control Alignment - By default, inherits the parent alignment. A different alignment other than the parent can be set. To default to Parent's alignment, toggle the selected alignment icons to switch off the specific alignment.

    Note: Alignment is dependent on Parent's layout (Vertical vs. Horizontal).
  • Label Placement - By default, the label is set to row and is displayed on the left side of the control. You can also choose to place it above the control by choosing the row alignment.
  • Label font family - Sets the font of the label. Font family, size, color, and style (Bold, Italic and Underline) can be configured in this section. By default, the control inherits the font family of its immediate parent container which is indicated by the keyword 'inherited'.
  • Input font family - Sets the font of the input text. Font family, size, color, and style (Bold, Italic and Underline) can be configured in this section. By default, the control inherits the font family of its immediate parent container which is indicated by the keyword 'inherited'.
  • Margin- Sets the margin of the control. By default 4px margin is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be unlinked using the unlink button on the right side of the Margin section heading.
  • Size - The width and height of the control can be set in the size section. By default, the size is set to Auto.

    Min Width/ Min Height and Max Width/ Max Height are available under more (...) in the size section.

  • Background color - Sets the background of the textbox.
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