重要 :
Orchestrator 用户指南
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated 2024年10月3日


组织代表一个完全隔离的环境,您可以在其中管理所有自动化需求和资源。 它本质上是 UiPath 平台上的专用空间,您可以根据特定要求使用、自定义和控制。

In the standalone model, an organization is restricted to having a single tenant. As a result, a one-to-one relationship ensues between an organization and tenant.

The documentation covers several organization options that you can configure to adapt to your specific needs.

  1. 身份验证和安全性:文档列出了确保平台安全的各种身份验证方法和方式。

  2. 许可:文档说明了 UiPath 提供的不同类型的许可证、其用法和激活流程。

  3. 帐户和角色:文档说明了如何创建、管理角色和用户,以有效管理权限和对平台功能的访问。

  4. 外部应用程序:文档说明了如何集成第三方应用程序,包括授权外部应用程序链接和使用平台 API。

  5. 通知:文档介绍了电子邮件和产品内通知的首选项设置。 针对管理员,它说明了如何设置、分配和管理通知系统。

  6. 日志记录:文档说明了如何有效地使用日志进行审核和故障排除。

  7. 故障排除:文档提供了有关如何诊断和解决常见问题的实用策略。



  • 您可以通过直接导航到特定组织的唯一 URL(例如 https://{yourDomain}/orgID)来登录该组织
  • 您可以使用通用的 https://{yourDomain} 链接,在这种情况下,您可以使用一系列选项,具体取决于组织选择的身份验证方法。

Organization Identity Management hub

The organization Identity Management hub displays all the products or components relevant for your organization. Only organization administrators (logged in to the organization as admins) can access organization portals.

In the organization Identity Management hub, you can access organization settings for integrated products. By default, these are:

  • Orchestrator: Opens Orchestrator, where you can view and manage your automation resources and other settings. Click Back to Orchestrator in the top right of the Identity Management hub to open Orchestrator.

  • Management: Open the organization Management portal, where you can manage organization administrators and other organization settings.

To access the organization Identity Management hub, navigate to https://OrchestratorURL/identity, and log in to your organization with your organization administrator credentials.

Organization Management portal

The Management portal at the organization level is where you can view and manage organization administrator accounts,organization authentication settings, organization system email settings and other security settings. Only organization administrators (logged in to the organization) can access the organization Management portal.

To access the Management portal at the organization level, navigate to https://OrchestratorURL/identity/management, and log in to your organization. Alternatively, select Management in the organization Identity Management hub.
  • 登录
  • Organization Identity Management hub
  • Organization Management portal


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