Orchestrator User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Job States

Jobs can have the following states:

  • docs image Pending - A job is in this state if it is queued on the same Robot or it is trying to establish a connection with the Robot (only different jobs on the same Robot can be queued).
  • docs image Running - A job is in this state if it has established a connection to the Robot which started executing the designated process.
  • docs image Successful - A job is in this state if it has been executed correctly by the Robot and it has finished running or has been stopped using the Stop button.
  • docs image Faulted - A job is in this state if it failed to start or the process threw an unhandled error during execution.
  • docs image Stopping - An intermediary state that is triggered if you click the Stop button in Orchestrator. The job is canceled as soon as it is safe. This can be implemented in a workflow using the Should Stop activity.
  • docs image Terminating - An intermediary state that is triggered if you click the Kill button in Orchestrator. By default, a cleanup background job runs once every three hours and transitions to Failed the jobs that have been in a Terminating state for at least one day.
  • docs image Suspended - An intermediary state that is triggered with the purpose of allowing user intervention or completion of an intermediary process. It is triggered by the corresponding activities in Studio. Details here.
  • Resumed - An intermediary state that is triggered if the conditions (user intervention, intermediary process completion) of a fragmented workflow have been met. It is triggered by the corresponding activities in Studio. Details here.
  • docs image Stopped - A job is in this state if it stopped (by using the Kill button, or by canceling it from the system tray) before it finished executing without throwing any errors.

To view more information about all job executions, click the corresponding Details button. The Job Details window is displayed and enables you to view why a job faulted. Additionally, for unattended faulted jobs, if your process had the Enable Recording option switched on, you can also download the corresponding execution media and check the last moments of the execution before failure.

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