Orchestrator API Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Available resources

UiPath® exposes the following APIs:

  • Orchestrator API

  • Test Manager API

  • Data Service API

  • Platform Management API

    • Audit - retrieving and downloading audit logs in the organization.

    • Licensing - retrieving and allocating licenses.

    • Identity - creating, updating, or deleting accounts, and managing organization settings.

  • Marketplace API

  • AI Center API

  • Document Understanding API

  • Academy API

This guide is dedicated to resource access within the context of the platform (Platform Management) for the organization. Please refer to the specific product documentation for information about product-based APIs.
Note: The Platform Management APIs are undergoing a process of functional enhancement which may cause breaking changes to the endpoints. That is why the current APIs are marked as Preview in our reference documentation.


  • GET /audit_/api/auditlogs—Retrieves the audit logs of your organization.
  • GET /audit_/api/auditlogs/download—Downloads the audit logs of your organization.


  • GET identity_/api/Group/{partitionGlobalId}—Retrieves all local and built-in groups from the specified partition ID (either organization or tenant).
  • GET /identity_/api/Group/{partitionGlobalId}/{groupId}—Retrieves the specified local or built-in group in the specified partition ID.
  • POST /identity_/api/Group—Creates a new local group.
  • PUT /identity_/api/Group/{groupId}—Updates a local group information.
  • DELETE /identity_/api/Group/{partitionGlobalId}—Deletes all local groups from the specified partition ID (either organization or tenant).
  • DELETE /identity_/api/Group/{partitionGlobalId}/{groupId}—Deletes the specified local group.

Robot Account

  • GET /identity_/api/RobotAccount/{partitionGlobalId}—Retrieves all robot accounts in the specified partition ID (either organization or tenant).
  • GET /identity_/api/RobotAccount/{partitionGlobalId}/{robotAccountId}—Retrieves the specified robot account in the specified partition ID.
  • POST /identity_/api/RobotAccount—Creates a new robot account.
  • PUT /identity_/api/RobotAccount/{robotAccountId}—Updates the specified robot account information.
  • DELETE /identity_/api/RobotAccount/{partitionGlobalId}/{robotAccountId}—Deletes the specified robot account.
  • DELETE /identity_/api/RobotAccount/{partitionGlobalId}—Deletes all robot accounts in the specified partition ID.

Message Template

  • GET /identity_/api/MessageTemplate—Retrieves a message template using the provided filter.
  • GET /identity_/api/MessageTemplate/{templateId}—Retrieves the specified message template.
  • PUT /identity_/api/MessageTemplate/{templateId}—Updates the specified message template.


  • GET /identity_/api/Setting—Retrieves an application settings based on a list of keys for a specific tenant.
  • PUT /identity_/api/Setting—Updates or creates new settings in a specific tenant.


  • GET /identity_/api/User/{userId}—Retrieves information about the specified user.
  • POST /identity_/api/User/{userId}/changepassword—Updates the password for the specified user.
  • PUT /identity_/api/User/{userId}—Updates the specifid user information.
  • DELETE /identity_/api/User—Deletes all users.
  • DELETE /identity_/api/User/{userId}—Deletes the specified user.

License allocation

  • GET /lease_/api/account​/{accountId}​/user-license​/group​/{groupId}—Retrieves a list of all available user licenses for creating or editing a group.
  • PUT /lease_/api/account/{accountId}/user-license/group/{groupId}—Allocates or updates a group rule.

License resource management

  • PUT /lrm/api/host/{hostAccountId}/organization/{organizationId}/license -Allocates licenses to an organization from the host.
  • PUT /lrm/api/account/{accountId}/service-license/{serviceScopeId}/{serviceType} - Allocates licenses to a service.

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