Orchestrator API Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

API endpoint URL structure

In this section, you can learn to construct API requests by understanding the URL structure of UiPath® endpoints.

Base URL

The base URL is the starting point for all API requests. It serves as the foundation for constructing the endpoint URL. The base URL is https://{yourDomain}.

Entry point

api - signifies the entry point to the API platform management resources, for example ​/api​/Group​/

Resource path

The resource path specifies the exact resource or operation you wish to perform. It might include keywords like Group, RobotAccount, Setting, depending on the purpose of the request.

Path parameters

Path parameters are used to pass dynamic values to an API endpoint. These values help for identifying specific resources that are relevant to the API request. For example, ​/Group​/{partitionGlobalId}​/{groupId}
partitionGlobalId - the ID of the organization.
groupId - the ID of the group.

Query parameters

Query parameters are additional parameters attached to the URL to provide more context or filters for the requested data. These are often preceded by a ? symbol and separated by & symbols. For instance, you might use query parameters to specify filtering criteria or pagination instructions


Putting all components together, a URL for a organization-specific resource might look like this, https://{yourDomain}/identity/api/group/{partitionGlobalId}​/{groupId}.
A URL for tenant-specific resource can look like this: https://{yourDomain}/odata/Assets.
  • Base URL
  • Entry point
  • Resource path
  • Path parameters
  • Query parameters
  • Example

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