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Last updated 25. Sep. 2024

Connect with Microsoft 365 Scope

The Microsoft 365 activities establish an authenticated connection to a Microsoft 365 application via the Microsoft 365 Scope activity.

Inside the Scope activity, you can use both classic activities, as well as Connection activities (that use Integration Service connections). When using Connection activities inside Microsoft 365 Scope, they inherit the authentication from the Scope. See How to use Microsoft 365 activities without Integration Service connections.

You have multiple authentication types available:

Microsoft-AuthentifizierungsflowMicrosoft 365 Scope – Authentifizierungstyp Robotertyp – AttendedRobotertyp – UnattendedAPI-Berechtigungstyp
Flow des OAuth 2.0-Autorisierungscodes

Interaktives Token – Öffentliche App

docs image 

Delegierte Berechtigungen

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Integrierte Windows-Authentifizierung (IWA)  docs image

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Delegierte Berechtigungen

Flow der OAuth 2.0 Client-AnmeldeinformationenAnwendungs-ID und Geheimschlüsseldocs imagedocs image


docs imagedocs image


* Integration Service keeps the connection token alive by refreshing the token. After a certain period of time, you must manually refresh the connection by re-authentication.

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