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Communications Mining Developer Guide

Last updated Dec 20, 2024

Create a stream

Create a stream

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Permissions required: Streams admin, View labels

  • Bash
    curl -X PUT 'https://<my_api_endpoint>/api/v1/datasets/project1/collateral/streams' \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $REINFER_TOKEN" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
      "stream": {
        "comment_filter": {
          "user_properties": {
            "number:Spend": {
              "maximum": 100000,
              "minimum": 100
            "number:Transactions": {
              "one_of": [
            "string:Country": {
              "one_of": [
        "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
        "model": {
          "label_thresholds": [
              "name": [
                "Some Label"
              "threshold": 0.37
              "name": [
                "Another Label"
              "threshold": 0.46
              "name": [
                "Parent Label",
                "Child Label"
              "threshold": 0.41
          "version": 8
        "name": "dispute",
        "title": "Collateral Disputes"
    }'curl -X PUT 'https://<my_api_endpoint>/api/v1/datasets/project1/collateral/streams' \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $REINFER_TOKEN" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
      "stream": {
        "comment_filter": {
          "user_properties": {
            "number:Spend": {
              "maximum": 100000,
              "minimum": 100
            "number:Transactions": {
              "one_of": [
            "string:Country": {
              "one_of": [
        "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
        "model": {
          "label_thresholds": [
              "name": [
                "Some Label"
              "threshold": 0.37
              "name": [
                "Another Label"
              "threshold": 0.46
              "name": [
                "Parent Label",
                "Child Label"
              "threshold": 0.41
          "version": 8
        "name": "dispute",
        "title": "Collateral Disputes"
  • Node
    const request = require("request");
        url: "https://<my_api_endpoint>/api/v1/datasets/project1/collateral/streams",
        headers: {
          Authorization: "Bearer " + process.env.REINFER_TOKEN,
        json: true,
        body: {
          stream: {
            comment_filter: {
              user_properties: {
                "number:Spend": { maximum: 100000, minimum: 100 },
                "number:Transactions": { one_of: [1] },
                "string:Country": { one_of: ["uk", "de"] },
            description: "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
            model: {
              label_thresholds: [
                { name: ["Some Label"], threshold: 0.37 },
                { name: ["Another Label"], threshold: 0.46 },
                { name: ["Parent Label", "Child Label"], threshold: 0.41 },
              version: 8,
            name: "dispute",
            title: "Collateral Disputes",
      function (error, response, json) {
        // digest response
        console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
    );const request = require("request");
        url: "https://<my_api_endpoint>/api/v1/datasets/project1/collateral/streams",
        headers: {
          Authorization: "Bearer " + process.env.REINFER_TOKEN,
        json: true,
        body: {
          stream: {
            comment_filter: {
              user_properties: {
                "number:Spend": { maximum: 100000, minimum: 100 },
                "number:Transactions": { one_of: [1] },
                "string:Country": { one_of: ["uk", "de"] },
            description: "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
            model: {
              label_thresholds: [
                { name: ["Some Label"], threshold: 0.37 },
                { name: ["Another Label"], threshold: 0.46 },
                { name: ["Parent Label", "Child Label"], threshold: 0.41 },
              version: 8,
            name: "dispute",
            title: "Collateral Disputes",
      function (error, response, json) {
        // digest response
        console.log(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
  • Python
    import json
    import os
    import requests
    response = requests.put(
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + os.environ["REINFER_TOKEN"]},
            "stream": {
                "name": "dispute",
                "title": "Collateral Disputes",
                "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
                "model": {
                    "version": 8,
                    "label_thresholds": [
                        {"name": ["Some Label"], "threshold": 0.37},
                        {"name": ["Another Label"], "threshold": 0.46},
                            "name": ["Parent Label", "Child Label"],
                            "threshold": 0.41,
                "comment_filter": {
                    "user_properties": {
                        "string:Country": {"one_of": ["uk", "de"]},
                        "number:Spend": {"minimum": 100, "maximum": 100000},
                        "number:Transactions": {"one_of": [1]},
    print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2, sort_keys=True))import json
    import os
    import requests
    response = requests.put(
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + os.environ["REINFER_TOKEN"]},
            "stream": {
                "name": "dispute",
                "title": "Collateral Disputes",
                "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
                "model": {
                    "version": 8,
                    "label_thresholds": [
                        {"name": ["Some Label"], "threshold": 0.37},
                        {"name": ["Another Label"], "threshold": 0.46},
                            "name": ["Parent Label", "Child Label"],
                            "threshold": 0.41,
                "comment_filter": {
                    "user_properties": {
                        "string:Country": {"one_of": ["uk", "de"]},
                        "number:Spend": {"minimum": 100, "maximum": 100000},
                        "number:Transactions": {"one_of": [1]},
    print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2, sort_keys=True))
  • Response
      "status": "ok",
      "stream": {
        "context": "0",
        "created_at": "2019-08-03T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "dataset_id": "abcdef0123456789",
        "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
        "id": "0123456789abcdef",
        "model": {
          "version": 8
        "name": "dispute",
        "title": "Collateral Disputes",
        "updated_at": "2019-08-03T12:30:00.123456Z"
      "status": "ok",
      "stream": {
        "context": "0",
        "created_at": "2019-08-03T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "dataset_id": "abcdef0123456789",
        "description": "Used by ACME RPA to create tickets for disputes.",
        "id": "0123456789abcdef",
        "model": {
          "version": 8
        "name": "dispute",
        "title": "Collateral Disputes",
        "updated_at": "2019-08-03T12:30:00.123456Z"

Streams enable persistent, stateful iteration through comments in a dataset, with predicted labels and general fields computed using a pinned model.

Once a stream is created, the and methods can be used to iterate through comments.

namestringyesAPI name for the stream, used in URLs. Must be unique within a dataset and must match [A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,256}.
titlestringnoOne-line human-readable title for the stream.
descriptionstringnoA longer description of the stream.
modelModelnoIf specified, comments fetched from this stream will contain predictions from a pinned model.
comment_filterCommentFilternoIf specified, comments not matching the filter will not be returned. See for details on how the comment filter will affect the results returned by the stream.

Where Model has the following format:

versionintegeryesA model version that has been pinned via the Models page.
label_thresholdsarray<LabelThreshold>noIf set, only values matching the given label_thresholds are returned. If not set, all labels and all prediction values will be returned.
Where LabelThreshold has the following format:
namearray<string>yesThe name of the label to be returned, formatted as a list of hierarchical labels. For instance, the label "Some Label" will have the format ["Some Label"], and the label "Parent Label > Child Label" will have the format ["Parent Label", "Child Label"].
thresholdnumberyesThe confidence threshold to use for the label (a number between 0.0 and 1.0). The label will only be returned for a comment if its prediction is above this threshold.
Where CommentFilter has the following format:
user_propertiesUserPropertyFilternoA filter that applies to the user properties of a comment. For more on user properties, see the Comment Reference.
The UserPropertyFilter is a map of user property name to filter. String properties may be filtered to values in a set ({"one_of": ["val_1", "val_2"]}). Number properties may be filtered either to values in a set ({"one_of": [123, 456]}) or to a range ({"minimum": 123, "maximum": 456}).

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