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Automation Suite Admin Guide
Managing tags
Tags help you organize and easily identify product resources. They allow you to attach a recognizable flag to certain objects, thus grouping together resources that pertain to a certain process.
and the key-value pair Department: Finance
to all the objects involved in SAP automation in the Finance department of your
There are two types of tags that you can create: labels and properties (key-value pairs).
- Go to Admin and select the desired tenant from the left pane.
- Select Tags. The Labels and Properties (key-value pairs) options are displayed.
The Labels page displays a list of all labels created for that tenant, along with a description and the number of objects it is attached to.From this page, you can also create a new label, by selecting Add label and setting a name and a description.
The Properties (Key-value pairs) page displays a list of all keys and values created for that tenant, along with a description and the number of objects each pair is attached to.
From this page, you can also create a new property, by selecting Add property and configuring these options:
- Key name
- Description
- Value data type - this can no longer be changed once the property is created. The available options are:
- String
This can include digits and symbols. The <, >, %, &, , /, ?, : characters are not allowed.
- Number
Only digits (0 - 9) and the minus character (-) are allowed for integer values.
- Boolean (True/False)
This data type cannot be modified.
- Custom (Regex)
The Regex rule field is displayed, allowing you to add the desired string.
The rule you add in this field is also displayed in the Add new value(s) window, as a read-only reference.
- String
- Values - use Add values to insert new values in the list.
Tags can also be created from Orchestrator, at the object level. However, properties (key-value pairs) can only be generated as strings in this context.All tags created in Orchestrator are included in the appropriate lists in the Admin Tags menu.
To view the objects that a label is attached to, you can select List tagged objects in its contextual menu. The menu item is suffixed by the total number of objects tagged with this label, and selecting it directs you to the list of Orchestrator items in the Orchestrator tenant search window.
- Tagged packages are counted towards the total number of tagged objects displayed in the Tags page, but they are not displayed in the Orchestrator tenant search window. To view tagged packages, you need to access the Orchestrator Packages page and filter the list manually.
- Tagged Action Center objects are not included in this list.
When you edit a tag, the changes are propagated to all objects associated to it.
You can edit the names and descriptions of labels by selecting Edit in the contextual menu of the desired label.If the new name you select for your label is the same as that of an existing label, an error message is displayed under the field.
You can edit the following by selecting the appropriate option in the contextual menu of the desired property:
- Key details - the name and description of the property.
If you edit the name of a property, and the new name is the same as that of an existing property, an error message is displayed under the field.
- Values - you can delete existing property values or add new ones.
Both labels and properties can be deleted from their respective contextual menu.
If they are already in use, a warning message is displayed, informing you of how many objects will be affected if the tag is removed. You can choose to cancel or proceed with the deletion.
You can also delete individual values of a property without removing the property in its entirety. This is done from the value editing window. If the value you are trying to delete is already in use, you are warned that its associated objects will be affected, and you can choose to cancel or proceed with the deletion.