Automation Suite Admin Guide
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Tenants and services

Managing tenants

Tenants allow you to model your organization structure, separating your business flows and information just like in real-life organizations. They are containers where you can organize your services and manage them for a group of users. For example, you can create tenants for each of your departments and decide what services you want to enable for each, based on their needs. In each tenant, you can have one instance of each of the services.

About Tenants

Orchestrator in Automation Suite

All tenants contain an Orchestrator service.

While in standalone Orchestrator, your Orchestrator instance can include several tenants, in Automation Suite you have one Orchestrator service in each tenant.

An Automation Suite tenant is different from an Orchestrator tenant.

Tenant in Automation Suite

Tenant in Standalone Orchestrator

Is a subdivision of the Automation Suite organization

Is a subdivision of the Orchestrator instance

Includes one Orchestrator service

Is a part of Orchestrator

Includes several other services (UiPath products), all within Automation Suite

Is not in the same medium as your other UiPath products and interacts with them through integrations

The default tenant

When you get started with an Automation Suite organization, your first tenant, called DefaultTenant, is automatically created. All the licenses available according to your licensing plan are allocated to your default tenant so that it is ready for use without requiring further license configuration.

You can create multiple tenants for your organization's needs. Multitenancy enables you to isolate data within your Automation Suite organization. This feature facilitates automating different departments from your company and lets you control access to data per department.

Users can see all tenants within the organization by default and all the services they contain. This allows users to request access and engage in using them based on their business needs. The level of access granted for each user is defined by their roles within the organization and within each service. See Managing access for more information.

The Tenants page

To open the Tenants page, go to Admin > Tenants.

The page displays all the relevant information about your tenants: name, list of enabled services, status, and includes options for managing each tenant and service.

Tenant statuses

You can see the status of a tenant on the Tenants page and it can be:

  • Enabled - the tenant is active and can be accessed by users.
  • Disabled - the tenant is not active and unavailable to users.

Switching tenants

If your organization has multiple tenants and you have access at the service-level to more than one tenant, you can switch between tenants while on the page of a tenant-specific service.

To switch the context to a different tenant, click the tenant list in the top right and select another tenant:

The page refreshes and then shows data for the newly selected tenant.

Adding Tenants

To create a new tenant:

  1. In the Admin > Tenants page, click Add Tenant. The Add Tenant panel opens.
  2. Enter a name for your tenant.
    Note: Please note that tenant names should contain only alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, a-z, and digits 0-9). Special characters and symbols are not permitted.
  3. (Optional) From the list to the right of the name, choose a color to show in the header when this tenant is selected. This can help users easily tell which tenant they're currently on:

  4. Select the services that you want to make available within the new tenant.

    The Orchestrator service is mandatory. You can select any of the available services. Services are only available if you have free licenses for that service.

  5. Click Save to create the tenant and close the panel.

    All your free licenses are automatically allocated to the new tenant.

  6. If you want, you can redistribute robot and service licenses to reduce the number on this tenant, or reduce the number on another tenant to free up licenses for this tenant.

Once created, tenants are available to users from the tenant picker in the top right of the page. The services within the tenant are available to users who have been granted the required service-level roles.

Editing Tenants

You can change the name and active services for an existing tenant.

  1. Click docs image at the right end of the row and select Tenant Settings.

    The Edit services for tenant panel opens:

  2. Edit the tenant name if needed.
    Important: Changing a tenant's name disconnects all robots and Mobile Orchestrator users. See Impact of changing tenant names below.
  3. From the list to the right of the name, select a different header color for the tenant, if needed.
  4. Select the checkboxes for the services you want to have available in this tenant, or clear them to remove services.
    • You can only provision a service if you have a license available for that service.

    • If you remove existing services, their corresponding allocated licenses become available for other tenants. The service cannot be accessed anymore.


    You can't remove the Orchestrator service.

  5. Click Save.

A confirmation message appears in the top right of the screen.

Impact of changing tenant names

Changing the name of any of your tenants greatly impacts your previous UiPath Automation Suite service configurations:

  • Robots configured at Orchestrator service level are disconnected. Reconnect your Robots, entering the new URLs.
  • Service URLs previously bookmarked don't work anymore. Send your users the new URLs.
  • Mobile Orchestrator users are disconnected. Send them the new service URLs to connect again.

Deleting Tenants

  1. In the Tenants page, click docs image next to a tenant and select the Delete option. The Delete Tenant window is displayed.
  2. Click Delete to confirm your action. The tenant, along with all its services and any data within them, is deleted. After deletion, it is no longer being displayed in the Tenants page.

    A tenant can be deleted if none of the processes within its Orchestrator service are being executed.

    After deleting a tenant, all its assigned licenses are freed up and available for you to use with other tenants.

Disabling or Enabling Tenants

Disabling a Tenant

Disabled tenants remain displayed on the Tenants page, but their services are not accessible. All the services data is kept. You can later enable the tenant to access its services again.

  1. On the Tenants page, click docs image at the right end of the row of a tenant and select Disable Tenant. The Disable Tenant window opens.
  2. Click Disable to confirm your action. The tenant, along with all its services, is then disabled.
    Important: After disabling a tenant, all its assigned licenses are freed up and become available for the other tenants.

Enabling a Tenant

If a tenant is disabled, you can enable it if you need to access its services.

On the Tenants page, click docs image at the right end of the row of a disabled tenant and select Enable Tenant.

The tenant is enabled shortly and all its services are accessible again.


After enabling a tenant, for your convenience, all the licenses available in your organization are allocated by default to the tenant.

You can later edit the licenses allocated to each tenant according to your needs.

Important: If there are both named and multiuser licenses available for the same product, we allocate the named user licenses by default. You cannot allocate both to the same tenant.

Managing Services

In each tenant, you can provision one instance of each service you own. You can then manage and work in that service instance as needed within the context of the tenant.

Note: In the case of organization-level services such as UiPath Apps, data is not isolated by tenants but the same instance is available throughout your organization.

Provisioning or Removing Services

You can:

  • provision the services you need when you first add a tenant
  • for an existing tenant, provision new services or remove existing ones whenever you need.

To provision or remove services for an existing tenant:

  1. Go to Admin > Tenants to open the Tenants page.
  2. At the right of a tenant row, click docs image and select Tenant Settings:

  3. In the Edit services for tenant panel, select the check boxes for the services you want to provision or clear the check boxes for services that you want to remove.
  4. Click Save.

The list of services for the tenant updates to reflect your changes.

Enabling or Disabling Services

  1. Go to Admin > Tenants to open the Tenants page.

    Provisioned services for a tenant are listed on the right of the tenant name and enabled services appear in blue font, while disabled services appear in gray font.

  2. Click :fa-caret-right: to the left of the tenant name to expand the list of services for that tenant:

  3. Click the toggle docs image at the right of the row to enable or disable the service.

A confirmation message appears in the top right of the screen.

Service statuses

The provisioned services for a tenant can be in one of the following statuses:

  • Enabled: The service is available for use within the tenant and appears in blue font on the Tenants page. For enabled services, the status is not displayed.
  • Disabled: The service is unavailable within the tenant and appears in gray font on the Tenants page. The service can no longer be accesses, but any existing data for the tenant is preserved. You can re-enable a service to regain access to the service data.

    Note: Disabling a service frees up all licenses allocated to that service.
  • Provisioning: The service is currently being provisioned. Depending on the service, this can take several minutes. The service is only accessible after provisioning completes. Click Refresh in the top right of the grid to refresh the status.
Note: These statuses refer to the service itself and are distinct from the status of the tenant, which can also be Enabled or Disabled.

Accessing Services

Users can access services:

  • from the Admin > Tenants page, by clicking a tenant name to show its services and then clicking a service.
  • from the Home page, in the case of services that have widgets on this page, such as the Orchestrator service:

  • from the left rail, by clicking the icon for a service.

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