Apps User Guide for Automation Suite
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Apr 19, 2024

Apps Configuration Checklist


Creating a new app on on-premises is very similar to creating one in cloud. For more information on creating an app, see:

Evaluation Guide

Create App Journey

  • Create a new app.
  • Add multiple pages and design the UI with relevant controls.
  • Add processes to the app and bind the process parameters to UI controls:

    • Include both Attended and Unattended processes.
  • Preview the app to check the flow is working as expected.
  • Add additional users or groups to the app.
  • Update the app icon in General settings.
  • Publish the app.
  • Download the app.

Import a Process From Orchestrator in Apps

In the cloud version of UiPath Apps, you have the option to select from the list of cloud Orchestrators or connect to on-premises Orchestrators by providing the credentials. For more information on this, see Referencing a Process from Orchestrator.

In the Automation Suite version of Apps, you will have the ability to connect to the list of Orchestrators available in the same Automation Suite deployment. You will also have the option to connect to a different standalone on-premises Orchestrator using credentials.

Runtime App Journey

  • Log in as a different user and check if the app is available in the landing page to run.
  • Run the app and check if it behaves as expected.

Edit App Journey

  • Import the app which was downloaded and create a new app using the imported one.
  • Replace the processes associated in the import app with a different process from a different Orchestrator.
  • Preview the app and make sure that it behaves as expected.
  • Overview
  • Evaluation Guide
  • Create App Journey
  • Import a Process From Orchestrator in Apps
  • Runtime App Journey
  • Edit App Journey

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