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Studio 用户指南

上次更新日期 2025年2月26日

关于 Windows - 旧版兼容性

Studio 2021.10 brought support for .NET-based projects and introduced the concept of project compatibility based on robot type. In releases prior to 2021.10, all projects used the Windows - Legacy compatibility. Starting with Studio 2021.10 until Studio 2024.10, you had the option to create projects with the Windows and cross-platform compatibilities in addition to Windows - Legacy.

Automation Cloud用户可以选择以下语言:
  • Studio LTS - 以每年的发布周期提供长期稳定性。

  • Studio 持续发布- 经常提供更新和新功能,同时保持可靠性。


下表突出显示了两个 Studio 版本之间的主要区别:

Studio 版本目标受众云连接要求Windows - 旧版支持支持模型发布周期

Studio LTS

工作室年份。 10 .补丁


需要长期支持、稳定性和 Windows - 旧版支持的企业用户。 可用于内部部署连接和 Automation Cloud/Automation Suite 连接。



长期支持 (LTS)

24 个月主流支持 + 12 个月扩展支持。


Studio 持续发布

工作室年份。 0.补丁


希望经常更新和添加新功能,同时保持可靠性的企业用户。 只能与 Automation Cloud 连接一起使用。





Every two months.

在可预见的将来,Studio LTS 将继续允许打开和编辑 Windows - 旧版项目。

Studio 持续发布不再允许创建或编辑 Windows - 旧版项目。

允许创建 Windows - 旧版项目的最后一个 Studio LTS 是 Studio 2024.10。 可以通过监管策略启用此选项。

Benefits of converting Windows - Legacy projects to the Windows compatibility

现在,新项目默认兼容 Windows。不再支持创建和编辑具有“Windows - 旧版”兼容性的项目,这意味着新功能仅在具有 Windows 和跨平台兼容性的项目中可用。

Using the Windows or cross-platform compatibilities unlocks future innovations and prepares you for the UiPath Agentic Automation vision, featuring:

  • Robots that handle structured, rule-based tasks efficiently.
  • AI-Powered Agents that process unstructured data and make intelligent decisions.
  • Humans that validate and oversee critical automation workflows.
Agentic Automation enables you to automate more complex processes, leveraging AI-driven decision-making across enterprise systems.
Access new capabilities

Windows and cross-platform projects give you access to a next-generation capabilities which are not available in Windows - Legacy, including:

Enhanced performance and scalability

Windows and cross-platform projects:

  • Are compiled and provides significant performance improvements, reducing execution time for automations.
  • Are ideal for large-scale automation scenarios with high transaction volumes.
  • Feature modern memory management and Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
Enhanced security
  • .NET includes the latest encryption algorithms and security protocols to protect sensitive data.
  • Active maintenance ensures quick resolution of vulnerabilities, minimizing risks.
Reduced technical debt
  • Converting Windows-Legacy projects removes reliance on deprecated libraries and outdated technologies.
  • Future upgrades and enhancements will be easier and more cost-effective.
  • Modern workflows are easier to debug, scale, and adapt to evolving business needs.

如何将 Windows - 旧版项目转换为 Windows 兼容的项目

重要提示:未找到与 Windows 兼容的版本的依赖项将标记为“未解析”,并且在转换后,“Windows - 旧版”项目中使用的版本将显示在“项目”面板中。由 UiPath 开发并在官方订阅源上提供的大多数活动包都支持 Windows 兼容性。有关完整列表,请参阅活动指南

Studio 附带一个内置的转换工具,可用于将任何 Windows - 旧版项目转换为 Windows 项目。

将项目转换为 Windows 项目时:

  • 项目依赖项是根据以下规则管理的:
    • 如果配置的包源中存在相同版本的软件包,则不会更改 Windows - 旧版项目中使用的版本。
    • 如果不存在相同版本的软件包,则 Windows - 旧版项目中使用的版本将更改为最近版本的最新补丁。
  • 转换后的项目中将保留所有活动和属性。
  • Windows - 旧版和 Windows 项目中不同的命名空间已更新。
  • 系统将添加 Windows 项目中所需的命名空间,并删除仅在 Windows - 旧版项目中使用的命名空间。

    注意:在转换库在其中作为依赖项安装的流程之前,请转换并重新发布 Windows - 旧版库。

要将旧项目转换为 Windows 兼容的项目,请执行以下操作:

  1. 在 Studio 中打开 Windows - 旧版项目,并确保仅在一个 Studio 实例中打开该项目。系统将显示一个新窗口。

  2. 选择转换方式:

    • 要使用 Windows 兼容性创建当前项目的副本并保留原始 Windows 旧版项目,请选择“新建项目”。输入新项目的名称、创建位置以及(可选)说明。
    • 要更新现有项目并将其转换为与 Windows 兼容的项目,请清除“新建项目”复选框。如果选择此选项,则对项目所做的更改将无法撤消。
  3. 单击“转换”


Blueprint for converting Windows - Legacy projects

This step-by-step guide aims to help you to seamlessly transition your automations from Windows-Legacy to Windows.
  1. Inventory and assessment - Prepare a detailed inventory of all your Windows - Legacy projects and their dependencies:
    • List all projects, libraries, and dependencies.
    • Assess compatibility with the Windows (.NET) environment.
    • Identify components that need updates or replacements.
    Note: The NuGet Package Explorer application can be used to inspect .NET target frameworks.

  2. Proof of concept - Test the conversion process on a small subset of workflows:
    • Select a representative workflow that has a library added as a dependency.
    • Perform a pilot conversion to identify challenges and blockers.
    • Validate the result with tests.
    • Create a backup of the Windows - Legacy project and library.
    • Do not change the name of the project or library when migrating.
    • Migrate the library first and publish it. Don’t worry – the migrated version of the library cannot be used in Windows - Legacy projects.
  3. Scaling - Convert all projects and libraries systematically:
    • Migrate all libraries and publish them.
    • Migrate all projects.
  4. Validation and testing - Ensure the converted workflows perform as intended:
    • Perform testing.
    • Address errors or compatibility issues iteratively.
    • Test interactions with external systems and data sources.
  5. Production deployment - Transition the project to the production environment:
    • Deploy workflows to production.
    • Monitor for stability and performance issues.
    • Provide user training or updated documentation if necessary.
  6. Post-migration monitoring - Report migration issues to UiPath for future improvements:
    • Send feedback.
    • Share challenges or solutions with UiPath representatives.


Some expressions are incompatible with Windows projects and need to be manually changed to successfully convert a Windows - Legacy project to Windows.
{} to new Object() {}
new Object() {task_output.Id.ToString,task_action,now,I_comment } to new Object() {task_output.Id.ToString,task_action,now,I_comment }
Validation errors generated by other expressions that worked before the conversion. Cut the expression using the CTRL + X keyboard shortcut and paste it back in the activity field using CTRL + V.
“遍历循环”活动中,将要迭代其值的变量命名为“表达式”会导致编译错误。 Refrain from naming the variable "expression".

BC36915: Cannot infer an element type because more than one type is possible. Specifying the type of the array might correct this error.

BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object()' to 'String()'. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.

BC36914: Cannot infer an element type, and Option Strict On does not allow 'Object' to be assumed. Specifying the type of the array might correct this error.

Modern programming languages enforce stricter type inference compared to older versions.

Cast the array or the element to the desired type, for example:

{} to new Object() {}


CType(<element>, Object)

Encoding-sensitive operationsAdd System.Text.Encoding.RegisterProvider(System.Text.CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance) using InvokeMethod.
(0x201C) vs. " (0x22) Replace all instances with " (0x22), which is the only valid quotation mark for string literals in modern .NET.
BC30311: Value of type 'SecureString' cannot be converted to 'CvString'. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.Remove and re-add the Computer Vision activity arguments.

BC31424: Type ‘System.Data.DataTable' in assembly ‘…’ has been forwarded to assembly 'System.Data.Common’ …

BC30652: Reference required to assembly ‘System.Collections’ … containing the type 'List(Of )'. Add one to your project.

BC30057: Too many arguments to 'Public Overloads Property SpecificContent As Dictionary(Of String, Object)'.

To fix these validation errors:
  • Navigate to the activity properties that contain the errors.
  • Remove the configuration (Cut or Ctrl + X).
  • Click outside the activity.
  • Add the configuration back (Paste or Ctrl + V).


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