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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Viewing and Editing a Sequence

The workflow diagram is composed of a number of Sequences linked between a Start node and an End action. For each Sequence the following information is displayed:

  • the Sequence name. By default, the name of the newly created sequence is 'Empty Sequence'.
  • the number of actions made to complete it.
  • the time it took to capture the actions.

    Note: The default name of the Sequence is updated automatically after capturing the actions for it and contains the name of the application window where the Sequence was captured. For instance, Google Chrome or Outlook Mail. To change the Sequence name double click on it and type the desired name.

Viewing the Sequence Information

To view the Sequence details follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the sequence.
  2. The actions are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen in the Sequence Editor.
  3. Each action contains the captured screenshot and annotations to the action such as title and description.

Adding More Actions to a Sequence

To add more actions to a sequence or modify the captured actions click the plus (+) icon displayed between two actions. The below options are available:

  • Capture more actions - the capturing widget is displayed allowing you to capture more actions.
  • Add Empty Action - an empty action is added to the sequence. To edit it follow the information from the Edit Empty Action section. When editing an empty action, you can include a relevant image by clicking the three-dotted (...) icon and select an image from your PC. Check out the Editing an Action from a Sequence page for more details.

For each action, a menu is displayed upon hover, allowing you to apply several changes. Check the Editing an Action from a Sequence page for details about the available options.

Editing the Actions Order

To change the order of the actions within the sequence simply drag and drop it.

Working With Multiple Actions

Task Capture includes the option to apply the following operations to multiple actions:

  • duplicate selected actions;
  • save selected actions as images;
  • remove selected actions.

To apply any of the above operations to multiple actions follow the below steps:

  1. Access the sequence and select the actions to be updated. There are two options to do this:

    1. Hold the Ctrl button + click the actions you want to select;
    2. Hold the Shift button + Top/Down Arrows to navigate through the actions list.
  2. The icons of the available operations are displayed on the top side.
  3. Click the icon of the needed operation.

You can also use common hotkeys in order to:

  • cut actions - Ctrl + X
  • copy actions - Ctrl + C
  • insert actions from clipboard - Ctrl + V

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