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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025

Command line parameters

In this section you can find the comand line parameteres that can be used for Task Capture application.

Installation command line arguments descriptions

It is possible to install or update Task Capture using the below-mentioned command lines if you have the task-capture-setup.msi installer. The table below lists all the available parameters you can use, paired with some examples.

  • Setup command-line arguments cannot be used and do not work on TaskCapture.exe.

  • This package natively supports all msiexec commands.

  • Administrator rights are required to execute these commands.

Install Options


Used for normal installation



Used for administrative installation



Used to uninstall the package


APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY='{folder_path}'Used to change the installation directory
Display Options


quiet mode



unattended mode


/q[n|b|r|f]Set the User Interface level as follows: f - Full User Interface(default), b - Basic User Interface, r - Reduced User Interface, n - No User Interface
Restart Options/norestartThe machine will not be restarted after the installation is completed.


/promptrestartThe user will be prompted if a reboot is required


/forcerestartThe machine will be restarted after the installation is complete
Custom ParametersLICENSECODE=1111-1111-1111-1111

Or LICENSECODE=offline_activation_string

Activate the Standalone edition app via the license code or license activation string (for offline activation).


TEMPLATES=template1.ssword;template2.ssword;...Install custom templates as default.


PROXYCONFIG="config.json" along with the path to the configuration file Configure the Proxy settings.
  • When passing values with spaces you are required to wrap them into double-quotes.

  • Keep in mind that the double quotes need to be escaped.

  • Use the backtick character ` in PowerShell and the ^ in Command Prompt before the character you need to escape.

  • The template file should be in .ssword format. Please see Exporting to find out how to create the file using Task Capture


The following example illustrates the tool's silent installation (q) with Basic user interface (b) and license activation (LICENSECODE):

In the msiexec /i ${task-capture-setup.msi} /qb LICENSECODE=${license_code} the following elements are avaialble:

  • ${task-capture-setup.msi} the path to the .msi installer file,

    e.g. "C:\Users\user.name\Downloads\task-capture-setup.msi"

  • ${license_code} is one of the following:

The following example illustrates how to install your pre-defined custom templates by using the TEMPLATES parameter:

We'll start with the following:msiexec /i task-capture-setup.msi /qb TEMPLATES=^"C:\Users\username\Documents\MyTemplate.ssword^" - for CMDmsiexec /i task-capture-setup.msi /qb TEMPLATES=`"C:\Users\username\Documents\MyTemplate.ssword`" - for POWERSHELLthe following elements are available:

  • task-capture-setup.msi the path to the .msi installer file

  • TEMPLATES= parameter contains the following information:

    • ^"C:\Users\username\Documents\MyTemplate.ssword^ (CMD) or `"C:\Users\username\Documents\MyTemplate.ssword`" (POWERSHELL) the path towards the pre-defined custom template that you set up.

Application command line arguments descriptions

Task Capture’s executable file accepts the following CLI argument:

  • These arguments are used in .msi installation when the installer is called with the LICENSECODE or TEMPLATES arguments.

  • By using it, Task Capture is called silently without opening other windows.

License Activation Argument:

--activate=${license}, where ${license} has one of the following values:

  • License Code for online activation,

    e.g. --activate=1111-1111-1111-1111

  • Offline Activation String the string used at the last stage for Offline Activation in Task Capture.

License Deactivation Argument:

--deactivate that deactivates active license(s). Through it, Task Capture sends a deactivation request to the License Server and removes the license file.

Installation of Custom Templates as Default:

--import-templates={template1};{template2};... adds the selected templates into the installation folder.

  • For multiple templates use a semicolon as separator (;).

  • Task Capture attempts to import each given template.

  • If one of the selected templates cannot be imported Code 1 is displayed.

  • All the errors are written to the log file.


Some actions available for the MSI version may require admin rights.

The executable file name is Task Capture.exe and, depending on the installation type is locates in:

  • %localappdata%/Programs/task-capture folder for the .exe installer;

  • %programfiles%/Task Capture folder for .msi installer.

Since the name of the file and folders contain space, don’t forget to wrap the path of the executable file in double-quotes.


  • "%programfiles%/Task Capture/Task Capture.exe" --activate=1111-1111-1111-1111 activates the .msi version.

  • %localappdata%/Programs/task-capture/Task Capture.exe” --deactivate - deactivates the .exe version.

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