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Task Capture

Last updated Jan 21, 2025


Selecting the Settings tab on the Home page will display three tabs as follows:


The General tab contains three sections:

  • Language - a dropdown pop up will allow you to change the interface language in Task Capture.

    After updating the language, be aware of the following changes:

    • All the options and actions available on the tool are displayed in the chosen language.
    • New diagram actions are displayed in the newly updated language.
    • If new Sequences are added, these, along with the actions describing them, are displayed in the newly updated language.

      Note: If during the creation/capturing process, you update the language, only the actions recorded after the new language is setup the will be displayed in the respective language.

  • Theme - Interface theme can be changed between Light and Dark for a more comfortable experience.

  • Text size - a dropdown pop-up will allow you to change the interface text size in Task Capture.

  • Opting out of telemetry - a control that can be toggled on/off for anonymous telemetry gathering.

  • Licensing - allows you to modify the current license.


  • Capturing hotkeys - provides the ability to set up hotkeys that can be used to pause/resume or stop actions during the capture process.
  • Capturing mode - provides the ability to choose between two capturing modes: Detailed and High level.

    When choosing the capturing mode, you can also choose if the inputs and mouse clicks are automatically saved and displayed in the action description.

    Note: To find out more about capturing modes and hotkeys, see Capturing settings.


Here you can set the rules for the annotations in the Image Editor.

  • Shapes

    1. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.
    2. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    3. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    4. Shadow – add/remove shadows.
  • Lines

    1. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    2. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    3. Shadow – add/remove shadows.
  • Sequences

    1. Fill Сolor– choose the background color.
    2. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    3. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    4. Shadow– add/remove shadows.
  • Highlight

    1. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.
  • Text

    1. Font Name
    2. Font-size
    3. Bold
    4. Italic
    5. Underline
    6. Font Color
    7. Fill Сolor – choose the background color.
    8. Outline Сolor - choose the color of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse.
    9. Outline Width – choose the width of the frame of a Rectangle/Rounded Rectangle/Ellipse
    10. Shadow – add/remove shadows.

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