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Orchestrator installation guide

Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Backup and Restore

This page provides an overview, with links to detailed instruction, of the process and procedure for backing up and restoring your Orchestrator deployment and all its settings and features.


  1. Back up your Orchestrator database.
  2. Back up the Orchestrator Web.config, UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config, Identity's appSettings.Production.json, Webhooks' appSettings.Production.json and Resource Catalog Service's appSettings.Production.json files to save your configuration settings. Depending on the existing version of Orchestrator, some of these files might not be present in the installation folder.
  3. Back up all NuGet package directories.
  4. If also using UiPath Insights:
    1. Back up your Insights database using the same procedure as that for the Orchestrator database.
    2. Back up Insights Dashboards.


  1. If migrating to a new environment, Install Orchestrator and UiPath Insights, if previously used.
  2. Restore the desired Orchestrator database backup.
  3. Restore all the configuration files saved during the backup phase.
  4. Restore all Nuget package directories.
  5. If UiPath Insights was previously used, also:
    1. Restore your Insights database using the same procedure as that for the Orchestrator database.
    2. Restore your Insights Dashboards.

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