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Orchestrator Installation Guide

Last updated Dec 12, 2023

Alerts and Monitoring

Configure Email Server

After you have installed all nodes of your HAA cluster, setup the email server for alerts as follows:

  1. Navigate your browser to the IP address of any HAA node on port 8443. For example: The HAA login page is displayed.
  2. Enter the username and password for the HAA admin user to login.
  3. Open the Settings page and select the General tab. The Email server settings window is displayed.

  4. Enter the corresponding details for your desired email server. Use the Test button to send a test email.

Configure Alerts at Cluster Level

  1. Open the Settings page and select Alerts. The cluster/node status alerts window is displayed:

  2. Use the checkboxes to select your desired alerts and parameters as described.

Configure Alerts at Database Level

  1. From the Databases page, select the desired database from the drop-down menu and then select Configuration.

  2. On the Configuration page, select Edit to open the Database Alerts Configuration.

  3. Use the checkboxes to select your desired alerts and parameters as described.

Note: Throughput is higher than and Throughput is lower than options should be monitored but are dependent on usage. Baseline should be set on a normal usage scenario.

HAA Monitoring

To monitor the High Availability Add-on, use the Prometheus built-in exporter on port 8070 with the Grafana Dashboard. Please see here for more details.

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