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Automation Ops User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated 30 août 2024

Manage Policies

  1. Navigate to Automation Ops™ from the left-side navigation bar.
  2. Select Governance > Policies. Existing policies are listed in the table on the page.

    • To edit a policy:

      1. Hover over the policy in the table, and then select Editdocs image in the menu displayed on the right side of the policy row.
      2. Configure the policy settings.
    • To delete a policy, hover over the policy in the table, and then select Delete in the menu displayed on the right side of the policy row.

      • If you delete a policy that is deployed at the user or group level, Automation Ops™ reverts to the policy inherited from the level above (group policy if you deleted a policy deployed at user level, tenant policy if you deleted a policy deployed at group level).
      • If you delete a policy that is deployed at the tenant level, Automation Ops™ reverts to the No policy setting, in which case no governance policy is deployed for the tenant.

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