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Activités de productivité
Last updated 25 sept. 2024

Google Workspace output object properties

This table lists all available properties exposed for output variables in the Google Workspace activities.


Output object PropriétéSaisie de texteDescription


The representation of a GSuite event

AttendeesIEnumerable<GSuiteEventAttendee>Attendee list
AttendeesEmailListIEnumerable<GSuiteEventAttendee>Attendees email list
CalendarIdChaîne de caractères (string)Event's calendar id
CrééDateTimeOffsetCreated date time
DescriptionChaîne de caractères (string)Event description
TerminerDateTimeTimeZoneEnd time
EndDateTimeDateTimeDate de fin
ICalUIdChaîne de caractères (string)ICal event ID
IdChaîne de caractères (string)The ID of the event
EmplacementChaîne de caractères (string)Event location
OrganizerGSuiteOrganizerThe organizer of the event
OrganizerDisplayNameChaîne de caractères (string)The organizer's display name
OrganizerEmailChaîne de caractères (string)The organizer's email
PreferredReturnTimezoneChaîne de caractères (string)Preferred timezone
Démarrer (Start)DateTimeTimeZoneStart time
StartDateTimeDateTimeDate de début
RésuméChaîne de caractères (string)Event title/subject
TransparencyChaîne de caractères (string)Show as
Saisie de texteChaîne de caractères (string)The type of the event
UpdatedDateTimeOffsetLast modified date time
VisibilitéChaîne de caractères (string)Event visibility
WebLinkChaîne de caractères (string)An absolute link to this event in the Google Calendar Web UI


Output objectPropriétéSaisie de texteDescription


Represents a remote GDrive file/folder. Inherits IRemoteResource.
DateDeCréationDateTimeCreation date and time
ExtensionChaîne de caractères (string)File extension
NomCompletChaîne de caractères (string)Full name of the resource
EstDossierBooléenTrue if the resource is a folder
DateDeDernièreModificationDateTimeLast modified date and time
TypeMIMEChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
NomChaîne de caractères (string)Name of the resource
ParentIdChaîne de caractères (string)The URL or ID of the parent folder. If the item is displayed under multiple parents, the first one is returned.
URIChaîne de caractères (string)Web URL of the resource.

We recommend using URL instead of URI.

URLChaîne de caractères (string)Web URL of the resource.


Output objectPropriétéSaisie de texteDescription




Local representations of a GDrive file. Inherits ILocalResource.
DateDeCréationDateTimeCreation date and time
ExtensionChaîne de caractères (string)File extension
NomCompletChaîne de caractères (string)Full name of the resource
IconURIChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
IDChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
EstDossierBooléenTrue if the resource is a folder
EstRésoluBooléenFile is considered resolved if a local path for it has been defined AND a file exists at that path.
DateDeDernièreModificationDateTimeLast modified date and time
CheminLocalChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
MetadataChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
TypeMIMEChaîne de caractères (string)S/O
NomChaîne de caractères (string)Name of the resource


ObjetPropriétéSaisie de texteDescription
GmailMessageAttachmentCountEntierThe total number of attachments of the current email
Pièces jointes (Attachments)AttachmentCollectionObsolète
AttachmentsInfoListListThe attachment's info (name, info, extension).
AttachmentsNamesListIEnumerable<String>The names of all attachments of the current email
BccMailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients for this email message
BccAddressListIEnumerable<String>BCC addresses list
CorpsChaîne de caractères (string)Gets or sets the message body
BodyAsHtmlChaîne de caractères (string)The Html version of the email, if available
CCMailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the carbon copy (CC) recipients for this email message
CCAddressListIEnumerable<String>CC addresses list
NomDossierChaîne de caractères (string)The name of one of the folders the email belongs to. This is set when iterating through emails in a certain folder.
De (From)MailAddress 
FromAddressChaîne de caractères (string)From address for this email message
FromDisplayNameChaîne de caractères (string)From display name for this email message
InlineAttachmentCountEntierThe number of inline attachments of the current email.
InlineAttachmentNamesIEnumerable<String>The names of inline attachments of the current email.
InternetMessageIdChaîne de caractères (string)Gets the Internet Message ID
IsBodyHtmlBooléenIf the body is HTML
LabelIdsList<string>The ID of labels associated with the message
IDMessageChaîne de caractères (string)The ID of the message
Priorité (Priority)MailPriority 
ReceivedDateTimeDateGets the received date time
ReplyToListIEnumerable<string>Gets the list of addresses to reply to for the mail message
SenderAddressChaîne de caractères (string)Sender's address for this email message
SenderDisplayNameChaîne de caractères (string)Sender's display name for this email message
SentDateTimeDateGets the send date time
StandardAttachmentCountEntierThe number of standard attachments of the current email.
StandardAttachmentNamesIEnumerable<string>The names of standard attachments of the current email.
SubjectChaîne de caractères (string)Gets or sets the subject line for this email message
ThreadIdChaîne de caractères (string)The Id of the thread the message is found on
ToMailAddressCollectionGets the address collection that contains the recipients of this email message
WebLinkChaîne de caractères (string)S/O


Output objectPropriétéSaisie de texteDescription
TaskTitreChaîne de caractères (string)Title of the task
TerminéAsDateCompletion date of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp). This field is omitted if the task has not been completed.
SuppriméBooléenFlag indicating whether the task has been deleted. Default is false.
Détails (Details)Chaîne de caractères (string)Notes describing the task.
DueDateTimeDue date of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp). Optional. The due date only records date information. The time portion of the timestamp is discarded when setting the due date. It isn't possible to read or write the time that a task is due via the API.
MasquéBooléenFlag indicating whether the task is hidden. This is the case if the task has been marked as completed when the task list was last cleared. Default is False.
IdChaîne de caractères (string)Task identifier
État (Status)Chaîne de caractères (string)Status of the task (either needsAction or Completed).
SubTaskIdIEnumerable<String>The list of subtask ids.
Last Modified DateDateTimeLast modified time of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp.
PositionChaîne de caractères (string)String indicating the position of the task among its sibling tasks under the same parent task or at the top level. If this string is greater than another task's corresponding position string, the task is positioned after the other task under the same parent task (or at the top level). Use the "move" method to move the task to another position.
ParentId Chaîne de caractères (string)Parent task identifier. This field is omitted if it is a top-level task. Use the "move" method to move the task under a different parent or to the top level.
ParentListIdChaîne de caractères (string)Parent list identifier.
URLChaîne de caractères (string)URL pointing to the task. Used to retrieve, update, or delete the task.
taskListIdChaîne de caractères (string)The id of the task list.
LastModifiedDateLast modification time of the task list.
TitreChaîne de caractères (string)Title of the task list.
URLChaîne de caractères (string)URL pointing to the task list.
  • GsuiteEventItem
  • ÉlémentRemoteGDrive
  • GDriveLocalItem
  • GmailMessage
  • Tâche

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