  • Notes de publication
      • Juin 2024
      • Mai 2024
      • Janvier 2024
  • Vue d'ensemble (Overview)
  • Uploading data to Communications Mining
  • Using the Dispatcher Framework
  • Référence des activités
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Veuillez noter que ce contenu a été localisé en partie à l’aide de la traduction automatique.
Activités Communications Mining
Last updated 11 oct. 2024

Helper functions

Just like withthe StreamResult class, you typically won't need to interact with these properties directly. There are a set of helper functions that make it easy to access the data you need:


FieldExists(string name)

Returns: bool

This function lets you determine whether a given field exists for the current extraction.


GetFieldValue(string name)

Returns: string
This function returns the value for the given field.
Note: If the field does not exist, then an empty string will be returned.


GetField(string name)

Returns: Field.

This function returns the field with the given name

Note: Most of the time you want to use GetFieldValue instead.
  • FieldExists
  • GetFieldValue
  • GetField

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