- Notes de publication
- Vue d'ensemble (Overview)
- Téléchargement de données vers Communications Mining
- Utilisation de l’infrastructure du répartiteur
- Référence des activités
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Activités Communications Mining
Dernière mise à jour 11 oct. 2024
Create Record
Name | Direction | Description | Is required |
Communication data type | Input | Type of communication data you would like to convert to a CM record | True |
Record ID | Input | A unique hexadecimal number which identifies the record uniquely in the source | True |
External comment ID | Email content mapping | A unique hexadecimal number which identifies the record uniquely from an external system | False |
Message timestamp | Input | Day and time when the data was created. If timezone is not specified it’s assumed to be UTC | True |
Message body | Input | String which is either email body content or other message content | True |
Thread ID | Thread ID | A unique hexadecimal ID identifying a thread. Messages which has same threadID will be grouped together to form a conversation
| False |
Subject | Email content mapping | A string containing the message's subject | False |
From | Email content mapping | The message sender email ID as string | False |
To | Email content mapping | A string array of primary recipients | False |
Cc | Email content mapping | A string array of carbon-copy recipients | False |
Bcc | Email content mapping | A string array of blind carbon-copy recipients | False |
User-defined string properties | User-defined properties | Any metadata of type string that applies to the record e.g. domain name, policy number, etc. | False |
User-defined number properties | User-defined properties | Any metadata of type number that applies to the record e.g. star rating, score, etc. | False |
Communication Mining Record | Output | The record that has been created | False |