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Activités Communications Mining

Dernière mise à jour 11 oct. 2024

Create Record


Table 1. Create a Communications Mining Record
NameDirectionDescriptionIs required
Communication data typeInputType of communication data you would like to convert to a CM recordTrue
Record IDInputA unique hexadecimal number which identifies the record uniquely in the sourceTrue
External comment IDEmail content mappingA unique hexadecimal number which identifies the record uniquely from an external systemFalse
Message timestampInputDay and time when the data was created. If timezone is not specified it’s assumed to be UTCTrue
Message bodyInputString which is either email body content or other message contentTrue
Thread IDThread IDA unique hexadecimal ID identifying a thread. Messages which has same threadID will be grouped together to form a conversation False
SubjectEmail content mappingA string containing the message's subjectFalse
FromEmail content mappingThe message sender email ID as stringFalse
ToEmail content mappingA string array of primary recipientsFalse
CcEmail content mappingA string array of carbon-copy recipientsFalse
BccEmail content mappingA string array of blind carbon-copy recipientsFalse
User-defined string propertiesUser-defined propertiesAny metadata of type string that applies to the record e.g. domain name, policy number, etc.False
User-defined number propertiesUser-defined propertiesAny metadata of type number that applies to the record e.g. star rating, score, etc.False
Communication Mining RecordOutputThe record that has been createdFalse

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