  • Versionshinweise
      • Juni 2024
      • Mai 2024
      • Januar 2024
  • Überblick
  • Uploading data to Communications Mining
  • Using the Dispatcher Framework
  • Aktivitätsreferenz
    • Get Stream results
    • Get Attachment
    • Create record
    • Datensatz abrufen
    • Fetch Batch from Stream (Legacy)
    • Advance Stream
    • Reset Stream
    • Predict Record(s)
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Communications Mining-Aktivitäten
Last updated 11. Okt. 2024

Get Stream results


Table 1. Get results from a Communications Mining stream
NameRichtungBeschreibungIs required
ProjektnameEingabeProject in Communications Mining containing your datasetTrue
Dataset-NameEingabeDataset in Communications Mining containing your streamTrue
StreamnameEingabeStream in Communications Mining from where you want to fetch results fromTrue
ErgebnisseAusgabeStream resultsFalse

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