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Data Service User Guide

Managing Access


The Manage Access module enables you to manage user roles for an entity in your Data Service tenant. This extensive and granular permission model allows you to integrate all your business users using the service, based on their level of expertise, and your business requirements. Furthermore, you can select users or groups from your organization and assign roles to them.


Data Service is configured such that organization users can read data by default.

To limit data access, remove the Everyone group, add users or groups that need access, and assign them the desired roles.

The following steps enable you to manage your users and groups:

  1. On the Data Service tab, select the More options menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Manage Access. The Manage Access page is displayed.

The following tabs are available:



Assign Roles

Contains a list of all the users and groups that are defined for your current tenant and their associated Roles.


A list of all the Roles defined for the Data Service. For each role you can see the number of user or group assignments.

Standard Roles

Standard Roles have a predefined set of permissions. The following standard roles can be assigned to Data Service users:

  • Administrator
  • Data Reader
  • Data Writer
  • Designer

Note: You cannot remove standard roles.

Standard Role Permissions

Each standard role has a different set of permissions, including at least one administrative permission and a data access permission.

Administrative Permissions

Below is a description of the Administrative Permissions for a standard role.


Roles with this permission...

Manage Permissions

... can create new roles, edit and delete existing roles, and assign one or more roles to users or groups.

View All Schema

... can view the schema of all entities and choice set definitions, but cannot modify them.

Customize All Schema

... can view, create, edit, or delete the schema of all entities and choice set definition.

Data Access Permissions

Below is a description of the Data Access Permissions of a standard role.


Roles with this permission...

No access

... do not have access to any entity data. Users or groups with this permission are not allowed to create, read, edit, or delete data records of an entity.

Read access for all Entities

... can view the data records of an entity.

Complete read and write access for all Entities

... can create, view, edit, and delete data records of an entity.

Overview of Standard Role Permissions

The following table summarizes the default permissions of each standard role:

Standard role

Administrative Permissions

Data Access Permissions


Manage Permissions

No access

Data Reader

View All Schema

Read access for all Entities

Data Writer

View All Schema

Complete read and write access for all Entities


View All Schema

Customize All Schema

No access

Custom Roles

Custom roles enable you to create custom sets of permissions that can be assigned to users or groups.

To create new custom roles, you need to have the Manage Permissions permission assigned.

Custom Role Permissions

For custom roles you can decide which permissions you want to assign to the role.

At creation, assign at least one Administrative Permissions to the new role. Consequently, you may assign Data Access Permissions to the role, which grants Create,Read,Edit, or Deletepermissions on the specified entities.

Administrative Permissions

Below is a description of the Administrative Permissions that can be assigned to a custom role.


Roles with this permission...

Manage Roles

... can create new roles, edit and delete existing roles, and assign one or more roles to Users/Groups.

View Schema

... can view the schema of all entities and choice set definitions, but cannot modify them.

Customize All Schema

... can view, create, edit, or delete the schema of all entities and choice set definition.

Data Access Permissions

When defining a custom role, you can assign different data access permissions for the selected entities in the tenant.

You can select whether the custom role can create, read, edit, or delete the entity records. Moreover, if an entity has Role base field access enabled fields, you can assign data access permissions to each entity field.

Below is a description of the Data Access Permissions for an entity that can be assigned to a Custom Role.


Roles with this permission...


... can create entity records.


... can view entity records.


... can view and modify entity records.


... can view and delete entity records.

Creating Custom Roles

To create a new role:

  1. On the Roles tab, select Create new role.
  2. In the Create Role panel, enter a name for the new role in the Role Name field.
  3. Select the Administrative Permissions that you want assign to the role.
  4. To add Data Access Permissions to the role, select the targeted entity:
    • Select Add Entity to display the available entities.
    • Select the entity for which you want to define the permissions.
    • Select the desired permissions. By default, the Read permissions is enabled.
  5. Select Save to create the new custom role. The role is displayed in the Roles tab, of TypeCustom.

Setting permissions for specific fields

When creating entities it is possible to enable Role based field access for user-created fields. When defining a custom role, you may assign data access permissions to these fields.

Note: Only custom roles can be updated to grant permissions to access the data in the fields.

Follow the steps below to set role based field permissions:

  1. Create a new role, or edit an existing custom role.
  2. If the entity has Role based field access enabled fields, a message indicating to add data access permissions is displayed: Certain fields require data access permissions. Select Add them.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the fields for which you want to set data access permissions.
  4. Set the desired permissions: Create, Read, Edit, or Delete.
  5. Click Save.

If you do not configure permissions for fields where you enabled Role based field access, they will not be visible by default.

Editing Custom Roles

You may change your mind about specific permissions for a custom role. You can edit custom roles by selecting the corresponding Edit button.

Removing Custom Roles

If you decide you no longer need a custom role, you can remove it by clicking the corresponding Delete button.

Note: You cannot remove standard roles.

Adding Users or Groups

All calls in the Data Service are based on user authorization. The decision to grant or deny an operation is always based on the effective permissions for the user based on their individual or group membership permission grants. Studio,Assistant, and Robot also inherit permissions based on their configured users.

Data Service supports all users and groups defined in the organization and doesn’t maintain a separate user list.

To add users that are part of your organization:

  1. On the Administration page > Role assignments tab, click Assign role. The Assign Roles panel opens.
  2. In the Names field, enter the name of the users or groups you want to add.
  3. In the Select Roles section, select the roles you want to assign to the users or groups.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: If you cannot find a user it means they do not have an account within the organization.

Defining Roles for a User or Group

A group is a collection of user accounts. Data Service supports all groups defined in the account and does not maintain a separate list of groups. A permission granted to a group propagates to all users and groups.

To define the roles for a user or group follow the below steps:

  1. In the Assign Roles tab hover over the user or group you want to assign roles to.
  2. Click the Edit icon available on the right-hand side. The Edit Roles panel opens.
  3. Select the desired roles for the user or group.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: You can assign multiple roles to a user or group. In this case, union of the permissions applies.

Default Group Mapping

Groups are user containers with specific permission sets. Permissions for groups can be configured inside each service by selecting the group and associating the desired permissions. Users get the union of all permissions assigned to the groups they are members in.

When you assign users to a group, you grant them access to all the services which have permissions configured for that specific user group. The level of access to the service is determined by the roles assigned to that group at the service level.

Group Membership

Organization Level Role

Data Service Roles


Organization Administrator

Automation Developers


Automation Users


Citizen Developers


Designer and Data Writer




The automatic role mapping applies for tenants created after the introduction of the Citizen Developer group. For tenants created prior to the group addition, you need to add the Citizen Developer group and assign the Designer and Data Writer roles manually.

Removing Users or Groups

Removing users or groups from the Assign Roles tab implies the inability to access Data Service. That is, every deleted user and users part of the deleted group cannot access Data Service anymore.

To allow access once again, add organization users or groups individually, and assign them Data Service roles.

To remove a user or a group from Data Service, click the corresponding Remove user/group button.

Role-based record access

Role-based record access allows you to restrict access to specific records in your Data Service entity.


Role-based record access restricts data access at the record level.

Role based field access restricts data access at the field level.

The Owner system field

When you enable Role-based record access, Data Service adds the Owner field to your entity.

The Owner field is a system field which specifies the user or group that owns the record. When the record is created, Data Service assigns the creator of the record as the Owner by default.

In addition, when you enable Role-based record access, Data Service adds an access level to your roles: Read/Edit/Delete own. This access level limits the role to only operate on records they are the record Owner for.

For example, if you create an entity for a scenario involving an application form:

  • You can assign the Can create, Read all, Edit all, and Delete all access levels for a manager.

  • You can assign the Cannot create, Read all, Edit own and Cannot Delete access levels for a review agent.

Enabling or disabling role-based record access for an entity

You can enable role-based record access when you create an entity, or by editing an existing entity.

Enabling role-based record access for a new entity

To enable Role-based record access for a new entity, take the following steps:
  1. Go to Data Service.
  2. Select Create New Entity.
  3. Give your entity a Name and Description.
  4. Select Enable role-based record access.
  5. Select Save.
A pop-up opens and prompts you to access Manage Access to configure custom roles.

Enabling or disabling role-based record access for an existing entity

To enable or disable Role-based record access for an existing entity, take the following steps:
  1. Go to Data Service.
  2. Select Entities to view all entities.
  3. Select the Edit button adjacent to a non-system entity.
  4. Select Role-based record access.
    Note: You can currently only enable Role-based record access for entities without any existing records.
  5. Select Save.

The Role-based record access slider is a context-sensitive toggle:

  • If you select Role-based record access for an entity without this feature active, Data Service enables the feature.

  • If you select Role-based record access for an entity with this feature already active, Data Service disables the feature.

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