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Customer Portal
Last updated Aug 29, 2024

About Support

About Support

The Support tab highlights all open and closed tickets from the past six months. When you click on a ticket, you can see all past conversations associated with that ticket. You can even raise an incident case directly from Customer Portal. Customers who subscribe to the Premium Care service can also send premium care requests via the portal.

Incident Cases

As a Customer Admin user, you can raise incident cases by default. As a Customer Regular user, you need to have permissions for Support.

Before raising an incident case, we recommend that you check out the Technical Solutions Articles section, to see if your questions are addressed by articles inside that section.

Premium Care

If you are a Premium Care support customer, then you have access to Premium Care dashboards from the Customer Portal with toll-free numbers and analytics. Premium Care tickets can be raised in the Premium Care section.

  • About Support
  • Incident Cases
  • Premium Care

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