- 概述
- 自定义活动
- 将活动迁移到 .NET 6
- 发行说明
- 构建工作流分析器规则
- 构建活动项目设置
- 创建自定义向导
- 按范围划分活动的优先级
- UiPath.Activities.Api.Base
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Activities
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.BusyService
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ExpressionEditor
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Expressions
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Licensing
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Mocking
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ObjectLibrary
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.PackageBindings
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ProjectProperties
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ScopedActivities
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Settings
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Wizards
- UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Workflow
- UiPath.Studio.Api.Controls
- UiPath.Studio.Api.Telemetry
- UiPath.Studio.Api.Theme
- Robot JavaScript SDK
- 触发器 SDK

观看下面的视频,获取有关如何构建自定义规则以及如何使用“ 使用 Activity Creator” 扩展程序创建自定义活动的分步说明。

在其现用形式中,工作流分析器已集成到 Studio 中,并包含验证和分析器功能。如果验证返回错误,则无法完成分析。
When building custom rules, target the .NET version depending on the version of Studio and the project compatibility:
- Studio 2021.4 及更早版本:.NET Framework 4.6.1。
- Studio 2021.10.6 and later: .NET Framework 4.6.1 for Windows-legacy projects, .NET 6 for Windows and cross-platform projects.
对于每个未满足的规则,“错误列表”面板中将会以 warning、error、info 或 verbose 形式列出相应消息。这些列表中还包含用于确保满足规则的更改建议。
), install the UiPath.Activities.Api package.
为帮助您创建自定义规则,我们来看看工作流分析器中当前的预定义规则,即“ 变量名称长度超出限制”规则。 此规则用于检查项目中定义的变量长度是否少于 20 个字符。 该规则的检查对象是活动。
// This static class is not mandatory. It just helps organizining the code.
internal static class VariableLengthRule
// This should be as unique as possible, and should follow the naming convention.
private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-008";
internal static Rule Get()
var rule = new Rule("Variable Length Rule", RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
/// Off and Verbose are not supported.
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
return rule;
// This is the function that executes for each activity in all the files. Might impact performance.
// The rule instance is the rule provided above which also contains the user-configured data.
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
var messageList = new List();
foreach(var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
if (activityModelVariable.DisplayName.Length > 20)
messageList.Add($"The variable {activityModelVariable.DisplayName} has a length longer than 20");
if (messageList.Count > 0)
return new InspectionResult()
ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
HasErrors = true,
RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
// When inspecting a model, a rule can generate more than one message.
Messages = messageList
return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
// This static class is not mandatory. It just helps organizining the code.
internal static class VariableLengthRule
// This should be as unique as possible, and should follow the naming convention.
private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-008";
internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>("Variable Length Rule", RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
/// Off and Verbose are not supported.
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
return rule;
// This is the function that executes for each activity in all the files. Might impact performance.
// The rule instance is the rule provided above which also contains the user-configured data.
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
var messageList = new List<string>();
foreach(var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
if (activityModelVariable.DisplayName.Length > 20)
messageList.Add($"The variable {activityModelVariable.DisplayName} has a length longer than 20");
if (messageList.Count > 0)
return new InspectionResult()
ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
HasErrors = true,
RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
// When inspecting a model, a rule can generate more than one message.
Messages = messageList
return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
参数需要提供规则名称。 在此示例中,“ 变量名称长度超出限制 ” 规则的 ID 为 ST-NMG-008
,并遵循“ 规则命名惯例”。 请注意,Studio 中默认可用的规则所使用的命名约定不是强制性的。
参数声明当未满足条件时将采取的默认操作。在本示例中,此规则引发了警告。默认操作可以是 error、warning、info 或 verbose。
当我们要构建包含可自定义参数的规则时,情况会略有不同。 其中一个规则是 “ 变量命名惯例”。 其检查元素是活动,并带有默认的正则表达式(可以更改)。
internal static class VariableNamingRule
private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-001";
private const string RegexKey = "Regex";
private const string DefaultRegex = @"^([A-Z]|[a-z])+([0-9])*$";
internal static Rule Get()
var rule = new Rule(Strings.ST_NMG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
rule.Parameters.Add(RegexKey, new Parameter()
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
// This retrieves the parameter value from the rule instance as configured by the user, if not, the default value.
var setRegexValue = ruleInstance.Parameters[RegexKey]?.Value;
var regex = new Regex(setRegexValue);
var messageList = new List();
foreach (var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
messageList.Add(string.Format(Strings.ST_NMG_001_ErrorFormat, activityModelVariable.DisplayName, setRegexValue));
if(messageList.Count > 0)
return new InspectionResult()
ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
HasErrors = true,
RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
Messages = messageList
return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
internal static class VariableNamingRule
private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-001";
private const string RegexKey = "Regex";
private const string DefaultRegex = @"^([A-Z]|[a-z])+([0-9])*$";
internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_NMG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
rule.Parameters.Add(RegexKey, new Parameter()
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
// This retrieves the parameter value from the rule instance as configured by the user, if not, the default value.
var setRegexValue = ruleInstance.Parameters[RegexKey]?.Value;
var regex = new Regex(setRegexValue);
var messageList = new List<string>();
foreach (var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
messageList.Add(string.Format(Strings.ST_NMG_001_ErrorFormat, activityModelVariable.DisplayName, setRegexValue));
if(messageList.Count > 0)
return new InspectionResult()
ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
HasErrors = true,
RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
Messages = messageList
return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
以及与此规则关联的默认正则表达式 DefaultRegex
和 ErrorLevel
参数为 Info
。因此,为计数器定义错误级别的表达式应如下所示:ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info
internal static class NumberOfActivitiesInFile
private const string RuleId = "ST-ANA-009";
internal static Counter Get()
return new Counter(Strings.ST_ANA_009_Name, RuleId, Inspect);
// A Counter receives the entire collection of T objects in the parent structure. e.g. activities in workflow, workflows in project.
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IReadOnlyCollection activities, Counter ruleInstance)
return new InspectionResult()
// For a counter, the error level is always info, even if not set here.
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,
// For a counter, the Has Errors field is always ignored.
HasErrors = false,
Messages = new List() { string.Format(Strings.ST_ANA_009_ErrorFormat, activities.Count) }
internal static class NumberOfActivitiesInFile
private const string RuleId = "ST-ANA-009";
internal static Counter<IActivityModel> Get()
return new Counter<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_ANA_009_Name, RuleId, Inspect);
// A Counter<T> receives the entire collection of T objects in the parent structure. e.g. activities in workflow, workflows in project.
private static InspectionResult Inspect(IReadOnlyCollection<IActivityModel> activities, Counter ruleInstance)
return new InspectionResult()
// For a counter, the error level is always info, even if not set here.
ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,
// For a counter, the Has Errors field is always ignored.
HasErrors = false,
Messages = new List<string>() { string.Format(Strings.ST_ANA_009_ErrorFormat, activities.Count) }
属性并将其配置为包括 BusinessRule
var rule = new Rule(Strings.ORG_USG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Strings.ORG_USG_001_Recommendation,
ErrorLevel = TraceLevel.Error,
//Must contain "BusinessRule" to appear in StudioX, rules always appear in Studio
ApplicableScopes = new List { RuleConstants.BusinessRule }
var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ORG_USG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
RecommendationMessage = Strings.ORG_USG_001_Recommendation,
ErrorLevel = TraceLevel.Error,
//Must contain "BusinessRule" to appear in StudioX, rules always appear in Studio
ApplicableScopes = new List<string> { RuleConstants.BusinessRule }
请注意,如果使用此方法,您的包将仅能兼容 Studio 2019.10 版或更高版本。
接口:Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api;
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Analyzer;
using UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary.Rules.Naming;
namespace UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary
public class RegisterAnalyzerConfiguration : IRegisterAnalyzerConfiguration
public void Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
// Naming
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api;
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Analyzer;
using UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary.Rules.Naming;
namespace UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary
public class RegisterAnalyzerConfiguration : IRegisterAnalyzerConfiguration
public void Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
// Naming
调用 HasFeature
方法以注册特定 Studio 版本的规则。
请注意,此方法仅适用于 Studio 2019.6 以上版本,且与注册接口方法相比较为逊色。
- 在您的
实现中添加 void 方法Initialize(object api)
。 - 在
,然后将所有内容添加到“异常处理”活动下,以确保妥善解决任何异常。 - 解析
属性。 - 此时,您可以访问上一部分中详述的
您可通过以下两种方法将自定义工作流分析器规则集成到 Studio 中:
- 全局级别:在 Studio 的安装位置添加外部程序集 (.dll)
- 项目级别:安装自定义活动包。
要在 Studio 实例中创建的所有项目中使用自定义规则,您必须将外部程序集 (.dll) 包添加到 Studio 从中加载自定义规则的特定文件夹中。默认情况下,文件夹路径为:
在 2021.10 之前的 Studio 版本中:
- For per-machine installations:
- 对于基于用户的安装:
- For per-machine installations:
在 Studio 2021.10.6 及更高版本中:
- 对于每台计算机安装:
(适用于针对 Windows 和跨平台项目的规则)和%ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\net461\Rules
(适用于针对 Windows 旧版项目的规则) - 对于每个用户安装:
(适用于针对 Windows 和跨平台项目的规则)和%LocalAppData%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\net461\Rules
(适用于针对 Windows 旧版项目的规则)
- 对于每台计算机安装:
Optionally, you can change the folder from which Studio loads custom rules by going to Home (Studio Backstage View) > Settings > Locations and defining a Custom Workflow Analyzer rules location. This feature is available in Studio v2020.10. and later.
按照创建自定义活动页面中列出的详细步骤,以 .dll 文件形式导出代码。