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Robot admin guide
Last updated Nov 18, 2024

Azure Marketplace deployment

Azure Marketplace deployments allow you to deploy UiPath solutions directly from the Azure portal.

Deploying through Azure Marketplace creates a modern folder in Orchestrator. This folder comes with assigned user accounts and machine templates. The solution structure has the following naming:

  • Folder: AzureDeployed
  • User account (one for each deployed robot): Azure-<VM Name>-<RandomString>
  • Robot account (for each user): <VM Name>\<Machine Admin Username>
  • Machine template (one for each deployed robot): AzureTemplate-<VMName>

The Azure Portal wizard allows you to deploy one or more Robots. It uses a Windows Virtual Machine, which runs scripts to configure the Robot and connect it to Orchestrator. The machine, together with a Network Interface Card and a separate storage account, is deployed within a virtual network.

To deploy robots using the Azure Portal wizard:

  1. On the Basics panel:
    docs image
    1. Select the Subscription, the Resource Group, and the Region where you want your solution to be deployed.
    2. Provide a Virtual Machine name.
    3. Set the Username for the administrator of the virtual machine (VM).
    4. Provide the Password to access the VM.
    5. Specify the Number of virtual machines with robots to be created.
  2. On the Orchestrator Connection Info panel:
    docs image
    1. Provide the Orchestrator URL of an existing and licensed instance.
    2. Provide the username of the Orchestrator admin account that has API usage permissions.
    3. Provide the Password for the Orchestrator admin account.
    4. Provide the Orchestrator Tenant Name where the robot should connect.
    5. Select the Robot type.
    6. Select the Robot version.
  3. On the Virtual Machine Settings panel:
    docs image
    1. Set the Virtual machine size.
    2. Select the Public IP Address for the VM.
    3. Provide the DNS Prefix for the public IP Address.
    4. Select the Virtual network.
    5. Select the Subnet for the VM.
  4. On the Resource Tags Configuration panel, create tags for the resources created in the deployment.

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