- Release notes
- Before you begin
- Getting started
- Integrations
- Working with process apps
- Working with dashboards and charts
- Working with process graphs
- Working with Discover process models and Import BPMN models
- Showing or hiding the menu
- Context information
- Export
- Filters
- Sending automation ideas to UiPath® Automation Hub
- Tags
- Due dates
- Compare
- Conformance checking
- Root cause analysis
- Simulating automation potential
- Triggering an automation from a process app
- Viewing Process data
- Creating apps
- Loading data
- Transforming data
- Customizing dashboards
- Introduction to dashboards
- Uploading a development dataset
- Creating dashboards
- Dashboards
- Automation manager
- Process manager
- Publishing Dashboards
- App templates
- Additional resources

Process Mining
Uploading a development dataset
In Process Mining, each process app has a development stage and a published stage. If your intended app requires a large dataset, then it is advised to use a smaller dataset (<10M records) for developing the data transformations and dashboards.
The development dataset is used for testing the data transformations. It does not affect the data displayed in the dashboards of the published process app. Once your app is ready to be used by business users, you can publish the app and load new data for use in the published process app.
A common scenario is to use a dataset with a shorter timeframe for development, for example, only 100k events in a time window of 2 weeks. While publishing, a larger dataset, for example, spanning 12 months, can be used.
Follow these steps to upload a development dataset.
Open the actions menu for the app and select the Upload dev data option.
Select the applicable option for your data source.Note:
Upload data using a set of CSV files is the recommended option for uploading a cdevelopment dataset.
Select Upload data.