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Test Suite ユーザー ガイド
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated 2024年11月15日

テスト ケースを自動化する

自動化したテスト ケースをテスト ポートフォリオに追加して、繰り返しタスクのオートメーション化に要する時間を短縮できます。

Assigning automations to test cases

In Studio you can assign an automation to an existent test case in Test Manager, or assign an automation to a new automated test case that you create in Test Manager.

Prerequisites: Connect Studio to Test Manager. For detailed steps about connecting your Studio project to Test Manager, visit Integrating with Studio.
  1. Studio で、既存のプロジェクトを開くか、新しいテスト オートメーションを作成します。
  2. 既存のテスト ケースを開くか、新しいテスト ケースを作成します。
    For more information on test cases, visit .
  3. In the Project panel, right-click a test case, and select Link to Test Manager.
  4. In the Link to Test Manager pop-up, configure the following test information to link your test case to Test Manager:
    1. Project: Select the project where the existent test case is located, or where you want to create a new test case.
      If you selected a default project when you connected Studio to Test Manager, this project will appear in the Project field.
    2. Test: Enter the name of an existent test case from the selected project. To create a new test case, leave the default <new test case> value selected.
    3. Name: If you want to create a new test case and left the <new test case> value in the Test field, enter a name for the new test case in Test Manager.
    4. Requirement: Optionally, enter the name of an existent requirement to assign it to the test case. If you don't want to assign a requirement, leave the <none> value selected.
  5. Select OK to confirm the changes.
    The automated test case is executed in Orchestrator while the results show up in Test Manager.
Figure 1. The Link to Test Manager pop-up where you enter the test information

  • Assigning automations to test cases


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