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- 要求の応答スキーマ
- Document Understanding のクラウド API のエラー応答コード
Document Understanding のクラウド API のエラー応答コード
重要 :
Document Understanding API ガイド
Last updated 2024年9月19日
Document Understanding のクラウド API のエラー応答コード
Document UnderstandingTM Cloud API では、ユース ケースに応じて、同期と非同期の 2 種類の呼び出しを使用できます。
このページでは、Document UnderstandingTM Cloud API に関する一般的な問題について概説します。
エラーが発生した場合、同期呼び出しは以下の情報を伴う適切な HTTP ステータス コードを返します。
- エラー コード: エラーの種類を識別する特定のコード。
- エラー メッセージ: エラーの内容を説明する詳細な説明。
デジタル化ジョブまたはドキュメント ID が見つからない場合、次のエラー メッセージが生成されます。
- 分類同期 API または抽出同期 API のいずれかを使用する場合は、
404, Code:[DocumentIdNotFound]
エラーが表示されます。 - 分類または抽出のいずれかに非同期 API を使用する場合は、get result により
200, Code:[DocumentIdNotFound]
どちらの場合も、次のエラー メッセージが生成されます。
Cannot perform the operation for the given documentId: Ensure it is correct, the
digitization is successful (retrieving the digitization result), and not more than 7 days
since the digitization call passed (case in which, it expired).
場合によっては、クライアント エラーが原因でデジタル化に失敗すると、エラー メッセージが表示されることがあります。これは
エラーで、Code: [DigitizationErrorCode], Message: "DigitizationErrorMessage"
のように表示されます。エラー コードと対応するメッセージは、次のいずれかの値になります。
[UnsupportedContentTypeError]", "Content type of the input document is not supported."
[UnexpectedPdfStructureError]", "Invalid or corrupt PDF structure."
[InvalidImageSizeError]", "Image size of the input document is not supported."
[UnableToProcessContentError]", "Unable to process document contents."
[ContentTypeMismatchError]", "Declared content-type of the input document does not match the binary content type."
[PasswordProtectedPdfError]", "Password protected PDFs are not supported."
[MaximumNumberOfPagesPerDocumentLimitExceededError]", "Maximum number of pages for digitization exceeded."
[InvalidRequestData]", "The form data in the request is invalid. Expected is a multi-part form data, with either one part consisting of the document to be digitized, or two named parts: File - the document, DigitizationResult - the digitization result, with content type application/json."
[UnexpectedDigitizationResultStructure]", "The digitization result object is invalid and non-serializable."
[InvalidDom]", "The provided DOM is invalid. Make sure the DOM is correctly built, including valid non-overlapping indices, well formed boxes and polygons and valid values for all properties."
[MismatchingDomAndContent]", "The provided DOM and content do not match. Make sure the DOM was generated on the provided document."
[MismatchingDomAndText]", "The provided DOM and text do not match. Make sure the text and DOM were generated on the same document."
[PreprocessingOptionIncompatibleWithDigitizationResult]", "Using the preprocessing option while also providing a digitization result input is not supported."
[InvalidOcrApiKeyError]", "OCR Api key is invalid."
[OcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[ExternalOcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[GoogleBillingNotEnabled]", "Google OCR billing is not enabled. Please enable billing in your Google Cloud Platform account."
[GoogleApiKeyExpired]", "Google OCR Api Key Expired."
[InvalidOcrUrlError]", "The provided OCR URL is invalid or malformed."
[InvalidResponseFromOcrEngineError]", "Invalid response received from the OCR engine. Please set another OCR engine for the project you are using."
[UnsupportedContentTypeError]", "Content type of the input document is not supported."
[UnexpectedPdfStructureError]", "Invalid or corrupt PDF structure."
[InvalidImageSizeError]", "Image size of the input document is not supported."
[UnableToProcessContentError]", "Unable to process document contents."
[ContentTypeMismatchError]", "Declared content-type of the input document does not match the binary content type."
[PasswordProtectedPdfError]", "Password protected PDFs are not supported."
[MaximumNumberOfPagesPerDocumentLimitExceededError]", "Maximum number of pages for digitization exceeded."
[InvalidRequestData]", "The form data in the request is invalid. Expected is a multi-part form data, with either one part consisting of the document to be digitized, or two named parts: File - the document, DigitizationResult - the digitization result, with content type application/json."
[UnexpectedDigitizationResultStructure]", "The digitization result object is invalid and non-serializable."
[InvalidDom]", "The provided DOM is invalid. Make sure the DOM is correctly built, including valid non-overlapping indices, well formed boxes and polygons and valid values for all properties."
[MismatchingDomAndContent]", "The provided DOM and content do not match. Make sure the DOM was generated on the provided document."
[MismatchingDomAndText]", "The provided DOM and text do not match. Make sure the text and DOM were generated on the same document."
[PreprocessingOptionIncompatibleWithDigitizationResult]", "Using the preprocessing option while also providing a digitization result input is not supported."
[InvalidOcrApiKeyError]", "OCR Api key is invalid."
[OcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[ExternalOcrTooManyRequestsError]", "OCR request quota exceeded."
[GoogleBillingNotEnabled]", "Google OCR billing is not enabled. Please enable billing in your Google Cloud Platform account."
[GoogleApiKeyExpired]", "Google OCR Api Key Expired."
[InvalidOcrUrlError]", "The provided OCR URL is invalid or malformed."
[InvalidResponseFromOcrEngineError]", "Invalid response received from the OCR engine. Please set another OCR engine for the project you are using."