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Guía del usuario de Apps

Última actualización 13 de feb. de 2025

Enviar actividad de resultado provisional

Para utilizar una actividad de UiPath® Studio, se debe configurar el siguiente entorno:

  • UiPath® Studio v2022.4+
  • UiPath® Robot v2020.10+
  • El paquete UiPath.WorkflowEvents.Activities está instalado en tu instancia de Studio
Note: The Send Interim Result activity is used to render the intermediate state of the output arguments of a process. The controls you bind to the Interim Process Result (IPR) outputs are likely to be refreshed multiple times while executing the process. Because of this, we recommend not changing the data in the bound controls if an input control was used because the changed data will be lost once the next IPR result is received by UiPath® Apps and when the process ends.

Puede usar esta actividad para mostrar un valor de salida específico mientras un flujo de trabajo aún se está ejecutando.

To use this actitivity, open UiPath® Studio, drag and drop the Send Interim Result activity into the RPA workflow and fill in the Argument name and Argument value fields.

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