上次更新日期 2024年3月23日




注意: 要构建自定义规则,您需要从 官方 订阅 源获取 UiPath.Activities.Api 包。SDK 包必须用作自定义项目中的开发依赖项。 阅读有关开发依赖项的更多信息。

观看下面的视频,获取有关如何构建自定义规则以及如何使用“ 使用 Activity Creator” 扩展程序创建自定义活动的分步说明。

在其现用形式中,工作流分析器已集成到 Studio 中,并包含验证和分析器功能。如果验证返回错误,则无法完成分析。




When building custom rules, target the .NET version depending on the version of Studio and the project compatibility:

  • Studio 2021.4 及更早版本:.NET Framework 4.6.1。
  • Studio 2021.10.6 and later: .NET Framework 4.6.1 for Windows-legacy projects, .NET 6 for Windows and cross-platform projects.





对于每个未满足的规则,“错误列表”面板中将会以 warning、error、info 或 verbose 形式列出相应消息。这些列表中还包含用于确保满足规则的更改建议。

注意:创建自定义规则和计数器时,建议您遵循 “关于工作流分析器”页面中详述的命名约定。




From the Official feed (, install the UiPath.Activities.Api package.

为了帮助您创建自定义规则,让我们来看看工作流分析器中当前预定义的规则,即“变量长度超出限制”。 此规则用于检查项目中定义的变量长度是否少于 20 个字符。 此规则的检查对象是活动。


// This static class is not mandatory. It just helps organizining the code.
internal static class VariableLengthRule
  // This should be as unique as possible, and should follow the naming convention.
        private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-008";
        internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
            var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>("Variable Length Rule", RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
              /// Off and Verbose are not supported.
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
            return rule;
              // This is the function that executes for each activity in all the files. Might impact performance.
        // The rule instance is the rule provided above which also contains the user-configured data.
                  private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
            var messageList = new List<string>();
            foreach(var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
                if (activityModelVariable.DisplayName.Length > 20)
                    messageList.Add($"The variable {activityModelVariable.DisplayName} has a length longer than 20");
            if (messageList.Count > 0)
                return new InspectionResult()
                    ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
                    HasErrors = true,
                    RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
                  // When inspecting a model, a rule can generate more than one message.
                    Messages = messageList
                return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
    }// This static class is not mandatory. It just helps organizining the code.
internal static class VariableLengthRule
  // This should be as unique as possible, and should follow the naming convention.
        private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-008";
        internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
            var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>("Variable Length Rule", RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
              /// Off and Verbose are not supported.
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
            return rule;
              // This is the function that executes for each activity in all the files. Might impact performance.
        // The rule instance is the rule provided above which also contains the user-configured data.
                  private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance)
            var messageList = new List<string>();
            foreach(var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
                if (activityModelVariable.DisplayName.Length > 20)
                    messageList.Add($"The variable {activityModelVariable.DisplayName} has a length longer than 20");
            if (messageList.Count > 0)
                return new InspectionResult()
                    ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
                    HasErrors = true,
                    RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
                  // When inspecting a model, a rule can generate more than one message.
                    Messages = messageList
                return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
RuleId参数需要您提供规则名称。 在此示例中,“变量名称长度超出限制”规则的 ID 为ST-NMG-008 ,并遵循“规则命名惯例” 。 请注意,Studio 中默认可用的规则使用的命名约定不是强制性的。
RecommendationMessage 参数需要显示一条建议消息,以帮助用户解决完成分析后发现的任何不一致问题。消息内容应简洁明了,并要提供明确步骤。
ErrorLevel 参数声明当未满足条件时将采取的默认操作。在本示例中,此规则引发了警告。默认操作可以是 error、warning、info 或 verbose。


当我们要构建包含可自定义参数的规则时,情况略有不同。 其中一个规则是变量命名惯例。 其检查元素是活动,并具有默认的正则表达式,该表达式可以更改。


internal static class VariableNamingRule
        private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-001";
        private const string RegexKey = "Regex";
        private const string DefaultRegex = @"^([A-Z]|[a-z])+([0-9])*$";
        internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
            var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_NMG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
            rule.Parameters.Add(RegexKey, new Parameter()
       private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance) 
          // This retrieves the parameter value from the rule instance as configured by the user, if not, the default value.
            var setRegexValue = ruleInstance.Parameters[RegexKey]?.Value;
            var regex = new Regex(setRegexValue);
            var messageList = new List<string>();
            foreach (var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
                    messageList.Add(string.Format(Strings.ST_NMG_001_ErrorFormat, activityModelVariable.DisplayName, setRegexValue));
            if(messageList.Count > 0)
                return new InspectionResult()
                    ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
                    HasErrors = true,
                    RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
                    Messages = messageList
                return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
    }internal static class VariableNamingRule
        private const string RuleId = "ST-NMG-001";
        private const string RegexKey = "Regex";
        private const string DefaultRegex = @"^([A-Z]|[a-z])+([0-9])*$";
        internal static Rule<IActivityModel> Get()
            var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_NMG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Recommendation,
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Warning
            rule.Parameters.Add(RegexKey, new Parameter()
       private static InspectionResult Inspect(IActivityModel activityModel, Rule ruleInstance) 
          // This retrieves the parameter value from the rule instance as configured by the user, if not, the default value.
            var setRegexValue = ruleInstance.Parameters[RegexKey]?.Value;
            var regex = new Regex(setRegexValue);
            var messageList = new List<string>();
            foreach (var activityModelVariable in activityModel.Variables)
                    messageList.Add(string.Format(Strings.ST_NMG_001_ErrorFormat, activityModelVariable.DisplayName, setRegexValue));
            if(messageList.Count > 0)
                return new InspectionResult()
                    ErrorLevel = ruleInstance.ErrorLevel,
                    HasErrors = true,
                    RecommendationMessage = ruleInstance.RecommendationMessage,
                    Messages = messageList
                return new InspectionResult() { HasErrors = false };
请注意,它调用了 RuleIdRegexKey 以及与此规则关联的默认正则表达式 DefaultRegex
RecommendationMessageErrorLevel 参数与前述规则相同。



其结构与规则略微不同,主要体现在:计数器唯一可用的 ErrorLevel 参数为 Info。因此,为计数器定义错误级别的表达式应如下所示:ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info


internal static class NumberOfActivitiesInFile
        private const string RuleId = "ST-ANA-009";
        internal static Counter<IActivityModel> Get()
            return new Counter<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_ANA_009_Name, RuleId, Inspect);
  // A Counter<T> receives the entire collection of T objects in the parent structure. e.g. activities in workflow, workflows in project.
  private static InspectionResult Inspect(IReadOnlyCollection<IActivityModel> activities, Counter ruleInstance)
            return new InspectionResult()
              // For a counter, the error level is always info, even if not set here.
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,
              // For a counter, the Has Errors field is always ignored.
                HasErrors = false,
                Messages = new List<string>() { string.Format(Strings.ST_ANA_009_ErrorFormat,  activities.Count) }
        }internal static class NumberOfActivitiesInFile
        private const string RuleId = "ST-ANA-009";
        internal static Counter<IActivityModel> Get()
            return new Counter<IActivityModel>(Strings.ST_ANA_009_Name, RuleId, Inspect);
  // A Counter<T> receives the entire collection of T objects in the parent structure. e.g. activities in workflow, workflows in project.
  private static InspectionResult Inspect(IReadOnlyCollection<IActivityModel> activities, Counter ruleInstance)
            return new InspectionResult()
              // For a counter, the error level is always info, even if not set here.
                ErrorLevel = System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Info,
              // For a counter, the Has Errors field is always ignored.
                HasErrors = false,
                Messages = new List<string>() { string.Format(Strings.ST_ANA_009_ErrorFormat,  activities.Count) }

StudioX 的构建规则

默认情况下,规则仅适用于 Studio 配置文件。若要使规则也显示在 StudioX 配置文件中,请添加 ApplicableScopes 属性并将其配置为包括 BusinessRule。例如,您可以按照以下方式添加属性:
var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ORG_USG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Strings.ORG_USG_001_Recommendation,
                ErrorLevel = TraceLevel.Error,
                //Must contain "BusinessRule" to appear in StudioX, rules always appear in Studio
                ApplicableScopes = new List<string> { RuleConstants.BusinessRule }
            };var rule = new Rule<IActivityModel>(Strings.ORG_USG_001_Name, RuleId, Inspect)
                RecommendationMessage = Strings.ORG_USG_001_Recommendation,
                ErrorLevel = TraceLevel.Error,
                //Must contain "BusinessRule" to appear in StudioX, rules always appear in Studio
                ApplicableScopes = new List<string> { RuleConstants.BusinessRule }



请注意,如果使用此方法,您的包将仅能兼容 Studio 2019.10 版或更高版本。

使用如下方法实现 IRegisterAnalyzerConfiguration 接口:Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api;
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Analyzer;
using UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary.Rules.Naming;
namespace UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary
    public class RegisterAnalyzerConfiguration : IRegisterAnalyzerConfiguration
        public void Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
            // Naming
}using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api;
using UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Analyzer;
using UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary.Rules.Naming;
namespace UiPath.Studio.RulesLibrary
    public class RegisterAnalyzerConfiguration : IRegisterAnalyzerConfiguration
        public void Initialize(IAnalyzerConfigurationService workflowAnalyzerConfigService)
            // Naming
注意:IAnalyzerConfigurationService 调用 HasFeature 方法以注册特定 Studio 版本的规则。

IRegisterMetadata 方法

请注意,此方法仅适用于 Studio 2019.6 以上版本,且与注册接口方法相比较为逊色。

  • 在您的 IRegisterMetadata 实现中添加 void 方法 Initialize(object api)
  • Initialize 实现中,将 object 参数转换为 WorkflowDesignApi,然后将所有内容添加到“异常处理”活动下,以确保妥善解决任何异常。
  • 解析 WorkflowDesignApi 后,即可获得 WorkflowAnalyzerConfigService 属性。
  • 此时,您可以访问上一部分中详述的 IAnalyzerConfigurationService

在 Studio 中添加规则

您可通过以下两种方法将自定义工作流分析器规则集成到 Studio 中:

  • 全局级别:在 Studio 的安装位置添加外部程序集 (.dll)
  • 项目级别:安装自定义活动包。


要在 Studio 实例中创建的所有项目中使用自定义规则,您必须将外部程序集 (.dll) 包添加到 Studio 从中加载自定义规则的特定文件夹中。默认情况下,文件夹路径为:

  • 在 2021.10 之前的 Studio 版本中:

    • For per-machine installations: %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Rules
    • 对于基于用户的安装: %LocalAppData%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\Rules
  • 在 Studio 2021.10.6 及更高版本中:

    • 对于每台计算机安装:%ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\Rules\net6.0(适用于针对 Windows 和跨平台项目的规则)和 %ProgramFiles%\UiPath\Studio\net461\Rules(适用于针对 Windows 旧版项目的规则)
    • 对于每个用户安装:%LocalAppData%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\Rules\net6.0(适用于针对 Windows 和跨平台项目的规则)和 %LocalAppData%\Programs\UiPath\Studio\net461\Rules(适用于针对 Windows 旧版项目的规则)

(可选)您可以更改 Studio 加载自定义规则的文件夹,方法是转到“主页” (Studio 后台视图)> “设置” >“位置”,然后定义“自定义工作流分析器规则位置”。 Studio v2020.10 中提供了此功能。 及更高版本。

按照创建自定义活动页面中列出的详细步骤,以 .dll 文件形式导出代码。


要使自定义规则仅可用于某个项目,请创建一个 NuGet 包 ( .nupkg ),并将其作为依赖项安装在 Studio 项目中。


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