Apps 用户指南
上次更新日期 2024年4月26日

使用 Actions 应用程序


此应用程序演示了如何为入职员工创建 Action Center 表单。

演示应用程序 - 自行尝试

演示应用程序 - 使用说明

  1. 访问 GitHub 存储库并下载以下文件:
    • Onboarding-Doc3.json - 操作定义架构。 使用此选项,在 Action Center 中为入职员工定义操作表单。

    • App_BuildADeskNew.uiapp - 使用操作定义的演示应用程序。 在 UiPath Apps 中导入。

    • Sw_BuildADeskNew.uip - Studio Web 入门工作流。 这将在 Action Center 中创建表单。

  2. In UiPath® Action Center - Actions, navigate to Admin Settings > Tenant > Action definitions:
    1. 单击“添加操作定义” >“从文件导入”,然后选择先前下载的操作定义架构。
    2. 为操作定义命名,然后单击“添加” 。
  3. In UiPath® Apps, create a new app and import the previously downloaded demo app.
  4. You may notice some errors. To fix them, replace the referenced action "Onboarding-Doc3" with the one in your tenant.
    docs image
  5. Publish the app to your tenant. To check if the app was published, navigate to Action Center - Actions, Admin Settings > Tenant > Action Apps. The "BuildADeskNew" app should be displayed.
  6. In UiPath® Studio Web > Projects, expand the New project button, click Import project, and select the previously downloaded Studio Web project.
  7. Open the project, then from the Apps* dropdown, select the "BuildADeskNew" app. The defined fields of the action app are unfolded.

    If, in the meantime, you modify the app, click Refresh to retrieve the latest version.

  8. Test the project. The workflow creates an Action form, then pauses while expecting for you input.
  9. Switch to Action Center - Actions, Inbox > Unassigned, then click the "BuildITDesk" action. To interact with the action, assign it to yourself.
  10. From Pending tab in Action Center, click Approve or Reject to complete the action. Once the action transitions to the Completed tab, the workflow in Studio resumes.
  • 简介
  • 演示应用程序 - 自行尝试
  • 演示应用程序 - 使用说明


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