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Studio User Guide

Last updated Feb 26, 2025

Profile Execution


Profile Execution helps you spot performance bottlenecks during workflow executions rather than tracking the overall execution time. As you run or debug a workflow, it provides an analysis of each operation's performance, reflecting a cumulative percentage of every activity's execution time.

How it works

Profile execution involves execution duration, which is the time from the start of a workflow's first activity to the end of the last activity. For example, if your file contains a top level Sequence, it displays the total time taken for all the Sequence's activities to run.

When no workflow file is selected, the total duration displayed is the cumulative sum of all top-level durations, excluding Invoke Workflow activities.

Suppose you execute several test cases or regular workflow files that invoke the same file. The total duration might not match the actual execution time. However, the tool groups together the execution times from multiple runs of the invoked file. This grouping helps you spot occasional performance issues and generates run statistics. The primary purpose of profile execution is to identify activities that create delays in workflow execution.


  • Profiling data generated during debugging might be different from data generated during production (running the file).
  • The data is stored for each session in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\UiPath\ProfiledRuns (see Import previous profiling sessions).

Analyzing profiling results

To profile an execution, run a file or debug the file, then go to the Debug ribbon tab.

Make sure that your automation works correctly without slow performing workflows. If you identify potential flow issues, you can review workflows that take longer to be completed. Use the context menu for profiling to take actions.

The Execution Details at the bottom of the Profiling tab shows the number of executions and descriptive statistics such as the average duration and the minimum and maximum duration values.

Import profiling session

You can import profiling sessions to examine previous runs. Focus is disabled on imported profiling sessions.

Context menu for profiling




Right-click the parent file in the Profiling tab and select Open to jump to the selected workflow.


Right-click an activity and select Focus to center the Designer panel view on the selected activity.


Use the search function to look for specific activities.

Expand/Collapse All

Use Expand All and Collapse All to bring to view or collapse all activities.

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