Orchestrator Installation Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 21, 2024

Installation Considerations

This article identifies the main affected areas you should be aware of in a new Orchestrator deployment. Some of the items addressed in this article must be taken care of prior to an upgrade/installation. Several of them are validated by the installer or by the Platform Configuration Tool if you choose to use it. We highly recommend that you download and use the Platform Configuration Tool to validate your environment prior to an upgrade.

.NET 8

Target Framework

To maintain Credential Store Plugins and NLog extensions functionality, the TargetFramework must be upgraded from the previous .NET Framework 4.7.2 to a supported target framework. The target framework of both credential stores and NLog extensions is checked by the UiPathOrchestrator.msi installer.

This restriction also applies to any references that a plugin or NLog extension might have.

Supported target frameworks

Supported versions

.NET Standard

1.0 - 1.6

.NET Standard

2.0 (recommended)




You may need to recompile any Credential Store plugins and NLog extensions you developed in-house.

You may need to identify and copy to the Orchestrator directory other .dll files targeting specified target frameworks. Most NLog targets support the specified target frameworks; however, you must ensure you copy the right .dll. For example, if you use NLog.Targets.Splunk, you need to download the .nupkg file, open it as a .zip, navigate to the folder lib\) etstandard2.0 and use the .dll file from there.

Credential Store Plugins - CyberArk

In older versions of Orchestrator, the CyberArk credential store plugin used a library that is not compatible with .NET Core. Orchestrator now uses the CLIPasswordSDK64.exe tool that comes with CyberArk AIM.
Tip: The plugin searches for CLIPasswordSDK64.exe in the default CyberArk AIM installation path, namely C:\Program Files(x86)\CyberArk\ApplicationPasswordSdk\CLIPasswordSDK64.exe. If CyberArk AIM was not installed at the default path, a configuration entry must be added in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config, pointing to the actual path. The path can be specified in the appSettings section in web.config prior to the installation or in the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config after the installation.


<add key="Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.CLIPasswordSDKExePath" value="D:\CustomFolder\CLIPasswordSDK64.exe" /><add key="Plugins.SecureStores.CyberArk.CLIPasswordSDKExePath" value="D:\CustomFolder\CLIPasswordSDK64.exe" />

Proxy Configuration

In .NET Core there are two mechanisms for specifying the proxy:

Using environment variables

Environment variables can be set in web.config using the following syntax: <environmentVariable name="[insert_variable_here]" value="[insert_address_here]" />, for example <environmentVariable name="HTTP_PROXY" value="" />.
HTTP_PROXYThe proxy server used on HTTP requests.
HTTPS_PROXYThe proxy server used on HTTPS requests.
ALL_PROXYThe proxy server used on HTTP and/or HTTPS requests in case HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY are not defined.
NO_PROXYA comma-separated list of host-names that should be excluded from proxying.


  • Without authentication: ALL_PROXY=http://localhost:8888
  • With authentication: ALL_PROXY=http://user:password@localhost:8888

Using the default proxy system (IE settings or Windows Proxy settings), if the environment variables are not set

See official Microsoft documentation here.

Proxy configuration is no longer configured in web.config using the <defaultProxy> tag. Example of configuration that is no longer supported:
      <proxy usesystemdefault="True" proxyaddress="http://<ip>:<port>" bypassonlocal="True"  />  
      <proxy usesystemdefault="True" proxyaddress="http://<ip>:<port>" bypassonlocal="True"  />  

Configuration Files


Most of Orchestrator's configuration settings have been moved from web.config to UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config. The new file keeps the same structure as the old web.config file and is located in the same directory. Please remember that changing the UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config file does not restart IIS. The following sections were moved:
  • connection strings
  • appSettings
  • NLog configuration
  • Quartz configuration
  • the encryption key
web.config has been repurposed to only contain configuration used by IIS. Upon upgrading, the installer will automatically move the sections mentioned above to the new configuration file. It will transform the configuration left in web.config to match what is needed for Orchestrator's latest version. Customer customization, including disabled verbs, enabled/disabled modules, custom rewrite rules, are preserved.

Check web.config docs.

IIS Manager

Connection strings and application settings are no longer be visible in IIS Manager. Using IIS Manager to edit Orchestrator connection strings or application settings is not supported.

Tip: You need to edit the configuration file directly.

NLog Targets

For NLog targets of type “Database”, the connectionStringName property has been replaced by connectionString. Its value must use the following syntax: connectionString="${ui-connection-strings:item=Default}", where Default is the name of the connection string you want to use from the <connectionStrings> section.
Tip: If you are using custom NLog targets of type Database, the property connectionStringName is automatically changed to connectionString during the upgrade. If you are manually inserting the target in the configuration file after installation/upgrade, use the new property with the correct value.

SignalR Protocol

SignalR With WebSockets

We have updated the SignalR library to a newer version which is not compatible with older Robot clients. To keep notifying unattended Robots when jobs are available, a compatibility mechanism was implemented, simulating the old SignalR protocol over Long Polling. Robots older than 2020.10 connect to Orchestrator via Long Polling only.

Tip: We recommend upgrading your Robots to 2020.10 in order to use WebSockets, which makes it especially cost-effective for large Robot deployments.

SignalR Scaleouts Sticky Sessions

SignalR scaleouts require sticky sessions for all protocols other than WebSocket (i.e., SSE and Long Polling).

By default, only the WebSocket transport is enabled by default, as Orchestrator assumes sticky sessions are not enabled on the customer's load balancer.

Tip: Add the <add key="Scalability.SignalR.RequireStickySessions" value="true" /> key in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config to enable sticky sessions. If set to true, all transports are enabled, and Orchestrator assumes sticky sessions are enabled on the load balancer. Enabling sticky sessions in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config without enabling them on the load balancer will result in failed SignalR connections.

SignalR SQL Server Scaleout

The scale-out mechanism is switched from SQL Server to Redis during installation. Disabling SignalR authentication for Robots/activities is no longer supported. To this end, the Scalability.SignalR.AuthenticationEnabled parameter has been deprecated.

Wait Queue Item Activity

You can encounter delays of up to 30 seconds if you use a Wait Queue Item activity older than 2020.10.

Tip: Upgrade to the latest activity version to avoid such issues.

NuGet Infrastructure

We updated the internal NuGet feeds' protocol from v2 to v3.

Legacy Repositories

Legacy is no longer a supported NuGet repository type. Upon upgrading, all repositories of type Legacy are migrated to Composite.
The new package location depends on how you configured the NuGet.Packages.Path and NuGet.Activities.Path parameters in web.config for the previous Orchestrator version.
  • If you stored the packages in the default locations (~/NuGetPackages and ~/NuGetPackages/Activities), the new package location becomes RootPath=.\Storage.
  • If you stored the packages in a custom location, during the installation you are asked for a new storage location. For silent installs, the STORAGE_TYPE and STORAGE_LOCATION parameters become mandatory, unless you specify them in web.config prior to the upgrade.
In v2020.10+, package location is configured using the Storage.Type and Storage.Location parameters in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config. After the upgrade, all Legacy-related app settings become deprecated and no longer have an effect.
  • NuGet.Packages.Path
  • NuGet.Activities.Path
  • Nuget.EnableRedisNodeCoordination
  • Nuget.EnableNugetServerLogging
  • NuGet.EnableFileSystemMonitoring
  • NuGet.Repository.Type
Important: The use of copy-paste commands in the packages-dedicated folder is not supported for Composite repositories.

Swagger Library

We have made significant changes to how we generate the swagger.json file, which describes the Orchestrator API. If you rely on a client library generator that uses the API description in the Swagger file (e.g., AutoRest, Swagger Codegen), the generated code will be significantly different.
Tip: You may need to update any other custom tools that use the autogenerated client.

API Changes

APIs With Form POST Parameters

Making POST requests with parameters in form-data objects no longer works.
Tip: The only supported mechanism to make POST requests to Orchestrator is to include the request parameters in a JSON in the request's body.

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